How Strength Training Helps In Fat Loss And Getting Ripped Abs?

strength training


Have you considered including strength training in your fitness routine? In this article, find out how strength training burns fat, how it can help you lose more fat, get ripped abs, and other benefits of strength training.

Strength Training Burns Fat

While the best way to burn fat is through aerobic exercise, you can also burn fat with certain types of strength training.

The reason is that the more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn through normal activities.

You can also combine aerobic exercise with strength training to get a double-whammy effect against fat.

Don’t Worry about Bulking Up

Strength training doesn’t necessarily have to bulk you up. It can actually tone your body and help build your muscles just enough to help hold your body in more perfect alignment.

Doing so can help you appear thinner and reduce body fat at the same time.

Try Circuit Training

This is something you can find at different studios that involves doing each machine for a specific period of time, usually at a fast pace.

It’s a good way to get both cardio and strength training. Usually there is little or no rest in between each machine, and exercises are done in between machines.

Isometric Weight Training

This is a type of resistance training where you use the weights by holding them at certain angles for 30 seconds to one minute instead of doing faster repetitions.

This kind of strength training can also be done without weights. For instance, doing planks works well too. It increases strength and stamina.

High-Volume Training

This type of strength training involves working one muscle group per week, concentrating on cardiovascular the rest of the time.

This gives the muscle groups ample time to recover, allowing for the best and most efficient building of strength training without bulking up your muscles. You can have long, lean muscles with high-volume training.

Core Exercises

Doing core strength training exercises such as Pilates and yoga will help your body become a fat-burning furnace.

Try hot yoga or purchase a Pilates machine to use at home for no-excuse workouts that build endurance while building strength.

The better shape your core is in, the better your fitness level will be and the more fat you’ll burn.

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How Does Strength Training Help You Lose More Fat?

The vast majority of people who exercise regularly do not do it to enhance their flexibility, increase strength, or build muscle. They do it to keep their body fat percentage low.

But what exactly is the best and most efficient way to lose weight?

Is it spending as many hours as possible on the treadmill?

Running for miles up a hilly terrain?

Or could it be engaging in High Intensity Interval Training during your workouts?

While these 3 methods are effective in their own ways, there’s a secret fat loss weapon that many women have yet to discover: weight training, which also increases strength.

Yes, lifting weights is the best way to go if you want to lose weight permanently and in the fastest way possible. But how does it work?

Well, here’s a look at how lifting weights leads to significant weight loss.

It Burns Calories Continuously

The secret to losing weight is burning more calories than you eat. When the body stays in a calorie-deprived state for too long, it starts burning through its own tissue for fuel.

Weightlifting helps your body remain in a constant calorie-deprived state by initiating the burning of calories during and long after your workout routine.

Lifting gives you a great burn during exercise, where a routine as simple and short as a circuit of eight moves can burn 160 to over 200 calories.

Additionally, studies show that a well-designed weightlifting routine can elevate your metabolism by up to 39 hours after the workout.

The reason for this is that after a weightlifting routine, muscles need energy to repair their fibers, which they get by burning calories.

The heavier the weights you lift, the higher and longer your metabolism rate gets elevated.

It Triggers More Fat Loss

Cardio activity only burns calories during workouts, which means you do not get to burn fat when not exercising.

With weightlifting, however, you burn a great deal of calories during and after your workouts. This translates to more fat burned between sets as well as during the workout itself.

It Increases Muscle

It’s no secret that weightlifting results in a direct increase in muscle mass.

This is why many steer clear of this form of training due to a fear of developing a man-like muscular physique.

What most people do not know, however, is that the more muscle you have to contract, the more calories you burn.

If you have a large percentage of muscle mass in your body, you end up burning more calories when you engage in any form of physical activity (be it lifting dumbbells, doing squats, or even the simple act of walking) than someone with a low muscle percentage.

Whether you have struggled with weight loss for a while or simply want to tone up fast, strength training can help.

Just make sure to avoid overdoing it and include a proper diet and aerobic training in the mix. This way, you’ll avoid injury and enjoy more profound results.

Get Ripped Abs

Get Ripped Abs by Doing Basic Strength Training

The best way to get hard ripped abs is by doing some strength training.  Increasing your core strength has many benefits, and strength training is the most important in this case.

Strength training is not running on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or using an elliptical machine.

Although those types of aerobic machines use “resistance” to increase your workout intensity, it’s not the same as strength training.

Strength training is structured according to different goals throughout the season, just as training is structured around key races.

This type of training is a fancy way of describing the process of building muscle power by lifting free weights, working out against resistance, using equipment like Nautilus or Universal machines, or working against large elastic bands.

While “aerobics” was the exercise catchword of the 1970’s and 80’s, strength training is the trend of the 1990’s, hailed as a critically important complement to aerobics in a total fitness program.

Strength training is linked to high bone mineral density in adults of all ages and both sexes.

Osteoporosis is a type of skeletal deterioration characterized by decreasing bone density that weakens the bone structure (Graves and Franklin, 2001).

It is performing a lift for several repetitions; 10–20 is generally recommended for children.

There is such a high level of concentration in weightlifting that the chance of injury outweighs any potential benefit.

Likewise, this kind of training is a great way to spice things up and add a completely different challenge to your body. The nice thing about strength training is that it offers so many ways to set up your workouts.

There’s always something new to try, and you never run out of new exercises, different types of resistance, new routines, and a variety of ways to work your body. It is any exercise you do against some kind of resistance.

This resistance can be machines, free weights, tubing, or your own body weight. It is essential for optimal health, fitness, and function. This is especially true in the over-50 audience.

The challenge is making strength training safe, sensible, and effective, given the specific needs of this market segment.

Strength training is the practice of using free weights, weight machines, and rubber resistance bands to build muscles. With resistance, the muscles have to work extra hard to move.

It is done FIRST following the warm-up, on days when you do both strength and cardio training. This will optimize the hormonal response that maximizes your body’s ability to build and develop muscle.

It is primarily an anaerobic activity, although some proponents have adapted it to provide the benefits of aerobic exercise through circuit training.

Strength training differs from bodybuilding, weightlifting, power lifting, and strongman, which are sports rather than forms of exercise.

This training is a great way to improve strength, endurance, and muscle tone. But remember to start slowly, use proper form, avoid heavy weights, and increase workouts gradually to prevent injury.

It is important for cardiac health because heart disease risk is lower when the body is leaner.

One study found that cardiac patients gained not only strength and flexibility but also aerobic capacity when they did strength training three times a week as part of their rehabilitation program.

This training is critical for combating frailty and disability, increasing strength and mobility, and staying active and self-sufficient.

Research has consistently shown the fitness and health benefits of strength training for older adults.

Strength training is a physical activity intended to increase muscle strength and mass.

Adults who engage in strength training are less likely to experience loss of muscle mass ( 1 ), functional decline ( 2 ), and fall-related injuries than adults who do not strength train ( 3 ).

This type of training is not just for male bodybuilders and competitive athletes. It is for everyone and yields many benefits to the human body, both internally and externally.

Other Benefits of Strength Training

The benefits of a good strength training program are almost endless. Less disease, happiness, and, most importantly, showing off your muscles at the beach.

Strength training should be part of everyone’s routine. Even if you are short on time, do strength training.

According to the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), it only needs to be done 2-3 times per week, with each session lasting no more than one hour. For 2-3 hours per week, huge benefits can be realized.

Regular strength training will:
  • help you in day-to-day activities around the house and in your yard. It will keep you independent, which is especially important in the older population. Imagine not being able to lift a 5-pound bag of flour or take the garbage out by yourself.
  • lower the risk of osteoporosis, hypertension and diabetes
  • help you avoid lower back pain
  • increase bone density, which is important for post menopausal women
  • increase muscle mass, which burns more calories throughout the day than an equal amount of fat.

Even with all these benefits, many people are reluctant to start training with weights. Concerns include injury, incorrect form, and, for women, not wanting to grow muscles and look like a man.

When beginning your strength training program, the risk of getting hurt can be greatly reduced by starting out with machines rather than free weights.

As you become more comfortable with the machines, slowly learn to use free weights. If you want to stick with the machines, know that they will give you the same benefits as free weights.

As for the concern that women will look like men, it won’t happen without the help of steroids, which you shouldn’t even consider using.

Sometimes, when we think of being healthy, we think of eating and running. While these are important, strength training should never be left out.

Strength training provides benefits to your health that cannot be found with any other mode of exercise and shouldn’t be forgotten.



Strength Training Burns Fat

  • Don’t Worry about Bulking Up
  • Try Circuit Training
  • Isometric Weight Training
  • High-Volume Training
  • Core Exercises

How Does Strength Training Help You Lose More Fat?

  • It Burns Calories Continuously
  • It Triggers More Fat Loss
  • It Increases Muscle

Get Ripped Abs by Doing Basic Strength Training

  • Strength training is structured according to different goals throughout the season
  • Strength training is linked to high bone mineral density in adults of all ages and both sexes.
  • This training is a great way to improve strength, endurance, and muscle tone.
  • Strength training is physical activity intended to increase muscle strength and mass.



– Are you into a strength training program?

– If not yet, are you interested in trying basic strength training?

– Are you looking for ways to lose fat and get ripped abs?

– Do you know that strength training helps you drop fat and get ripped abs?

– Do you like the other health benefits of strength training?



How Strength Training Leads To Fat Loss And Ripped Abs?

strength training leads to fat loss

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Have you considered including strength training in your fitness routine? In this article, find out how strength training burns fat, how it can help you lose more fat, get ripped abs and other benefits of strength training.

Strength Training Burns Fat

While the best way to burn fat is through aerobic exercise, you can also burn fat with certain types of strength training.

The reason is that the more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn though normal activities.

You can also combine aerobic exercise with strength training to get a double whammy effect against fat.

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Don’t Worry about Bulking Up

Strength training doesn’t necessarily have to bulk you up. It can actually tone your body and help build your muscles just enough to help hold your body in more perfect alignment.

Doing so can help you appear thinner and reduce body fat at the same time.

Try Circuit Training

This is something you can find at different studios that involve doing each machine for a specific period of time – usually at a fast pace.

It’s a good way to get both cardio in and strength training. Usually, there is little or no rest in between each machine and exercise is done in between machines.

Isometric Weight Training

This is a type of resistance training where you use the weights by holding them at certain angles for 30 seconds to one minute instead of doing faster repetitions.

This kind of strength training can also be done without weights. For instance, doing planks works well too. It increases strength and stamina.

High Volume Training

This type of strength training involves working one muscle group per week, concentrating on cardiovascular the rest of the time.

This gives the muscle groups ample time to recover allowing for the best and most efficient building of strength training without bulking up your muscles. You can have long, lean muscles with high volume training.

Core Exercises

Doing core strength training exercises such as Pilates and yoga will help your body become a fat burning furnace.

Try hot yoga, or purchase a Pilates machine to use at home for no excuse workouts that build endurance while building strength.

The better shape your core is in, the better your fitness level will be and the more fat you’ll burn.

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How Does Strength Training Help You Lose More Fat?

The vast majority exercises regularly do not do it to enhance their flexibility, increase strength, or build muscle. They do it to keep their body fat percentage low.

But what exactly is the best and most efficient way to lose weight?

Is it spending as many hours as possible on the treadmill?

Running for miles up a hilly terrain?

Or could it be engaging in High-Intensity Interval Training during your workouts?

While these 3 methods are effective in their own ways, there’s a secret fat loss weapon that many women are yet to discover – weight training, which also increases strength.

Yes, weight lifting is the best way to go if you want to lose weight permanently and in the fastest way possible. But how does it work?

Well, here’s a look at how lifting weights leads to significant loss of weight.


It Burns Calories Continuously

The secret to losing weight is burning more calories than you eat. When the body stays in a calorie-deprived state for long, it starts burning through its own tissue for fuel.

Weightlifting helps your body remain at a constant calorie-deprived state by initiating the burning of calories during and long after your workout routine.

Lifting gives you a great burn during exercise where a routine as simple and short as a circuit of eight moves can burn 160 to over 200 calories.

Additionally, studies show that a well-designed weightlifting routine can elevate your metabolism by up to 39 hours after the workout.

The reason for this, after a weightlifting routine, muscles need energy to repair their fibers, which they get by burning calories.

The heavier the weights you lift, the higher and longer your metabolism rate gets elevated.

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It Triggers More Fat Loss

Cardio activity only burns calories during workouts, which means you do not get to burn fat when not exercising.

With weightlifting, however, you burn a great deal of calories during and after your workouts. This translates to more fat burned between sets as well as during the workout itself.


It Increases Muscle

It’s no secret that weight lifting results in a direct increase in muscle mass.

This is why many steer clear from this form of training due to fear of developing a man-like muscular physique.

What most people do not know, however, is that the more muscle you have to contract, the more calories you burn.

So, if you have a large percentage of muscle mass in your body, you end up burning more calories when you engage in any form of physical activity (be it lifting dumbbells, doing squats, or even the simple act of walking) than someone with low muscle percentage.

Whether you have struggled with weight loss for a while or simply want to tone up fast, strength training can help.

Just make sure to avoid overdoing it and include a proper diet and aerobic training to the mix. This way, you’ll avoid injury and enjoy more profound results.

ripped abs

Get Ripped Abs by Doing Basic Strength Training

The best way to get hard ripped abs is by doing some strength training.  Increasing your core’s strength has many benefits and strength training is the most important in this case.


Strength training is not running on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or using an elliptical machine.

Although those types of aerobic machines use “resistance” to increase your workout intensity, it’s not the same as strength training.

Strength training is structured according to different goals throughout the season, just as training is structured around key races.

This type of training is a fancy way of describing the process of building muscle power by lifting free weights or working out against resistance, by using equipment like Nautilus or Universal machines or by working against large elastic bands.

While “aerobics” was the exercise catchword of the 1970’s and 80’s, strength training is the trend of the 1990’s, hailed as a critically important complement to aerobics in a total fitness program.


Strength training is linked to high bone mineral density in adults of all ages and both sexes.

Osteoporosis is a type of skeletal deterioration, characterized by decreasing bone density that weakens the bone structure (Graves and Franklin 2001).

It is performing a lift for several repetitions, 10-20 generally is recommended for children.

There is such a high level of concentration for weightlifting that the chance of injury outweighs any potential benefit.

Likewise, this kind of training is a great way to spice things up and add a completely different challenge to your body. The nice thing about strength training is that it offers so many ways to set up your workouts.

There’s always something new to try and you never run out of new exercises, different types of resistance, new routines and a variety of ways to work your body. It is any exercise you do against some kind of resistance.

This resistance can be machines, free weights, tubing or your own body weight. It is essential for optimal health, fitness, and function; this is especially true in the over-50 audience.

The challenge is in making strength training safe, sensible, and effective, given the specific needs of this market segment.

Strength training is the practice of using free weights, weight machines, and rubber resistance bands to build muscles. With resistance, the muscles have to work extra hard to move.

It is done FIRST following the warm-up on days when you do both strength and cardio training. This will optimize the hormonal response that maximizes your body’s ability to build and develop muscle.

It is primarily an anaerobic activity, although some proponents have adapted it to provide the benefits of aerobic exercise through circuit training.

Strength training differs from bodybuilding, weightlifting, power-lifting and strongman, which are sports rather than forms of exercise.

This training is a great way to improve strength, endurance, and muscle tone. But remember to start slowly, use proper form, avoid heavy weights, and increase workouts gradually to prevent injury.


It is important for cardiac health because heart disease risk is lower when the body is leaner.

One study found that cardiac patients gained not only strength and flexibility but also aerobic capacity when they did strength training three times a week as part of their rehabilitation program.

This training is critical for combating frailty and disability, for increasing strength and mobility, for staying active and self-sufficient.

Research has consistently shown the fitness and health benefits of strength training for older adults.


Strength training is physical activity intended to increase muscle strength and mass.

Adults who engage in strength training are less likely to experience loss of muscle mass ( 1 ), functional decline ( 2 ), and fall-related injuries than adults who do not strength train ( 3 ).

This type of training is not just for male bodybuilders and competitive athletes. It is for everyone and yields many benefits to the human body, internally and externally.

Other Benefits of Strength Training

The benefits of a good strength training program are almost endless. Less disease, happiness and most importantly, showing off your muscles at the beach.

Strength training should be part of everyone’s routine. Even if you are low on time, strength training.

According to the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), it only needs to be done 2-3 times per week with each session lasting no more than one hour. For 2-3 hours per week, huge benefits can be realized.


Regular strength training will:
  • help you in a day to day activities around the house and in your yard.
  • keep you independent which is especially important in the older population. Imagine not being able to lift a 5-pound bag of flour or take the garbage out by yourself.
  • lower the risk of osteoporosis, hypertension, and diabetes.
  • help you avoid lower back pain.
  • increase bone density which is important for post-menopausal women.
  • increase muscle mass which burns more calories throughout the day than an equal amount of fat.

Even with all these benefits, many people are reluctant to start training with weights. Concerns include injury, incorrect form and for women; not wanting to grow muscles and look like a man.

When beginning your strength training program, the risk of getting hurt can be greatly reduced by starting out with machines rather than free weights.

As you become more comfortable with the machines, slowly learn to use free weights. If you want to stick with the machines, know that they will give you the same benefits as free weights.

As for the concern that women will look like men, it won’t happen without the help of steroids, which you shouldn’t even consider using.

Sometimes when we think of being healthy, we think of eating and running. While these are important, strength training should never be left out.

Strength training provides benefits to your health that cannot be found with any other mode of exercise and shouldn’t be forgotten.

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strength training







How To Start Your Strength Training Program?

strength training

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Start a Lasting Strength Training routine. Find out the initial steps that you must do, some strength training strategies that work and some strength training tips for osteoporosis prevention.

This first part deals with the first stage of a successful strength training routine, goals and a plan for reaching them.

Step I: Setting Goals

All goals, from successful entrepreneur to earning a doctorate starts off as an idea in your head. Writing down your goals on paper is a good step towards making those dreams a reality.

Setting the goal of getting stronger and shaping your body is no different. So, the first step you must take is getting a notebook that you can dedicate to your new workout routine.

Once you have your notebook dedicate the first page to all of your goals, this can be anything from getting in shape for a healthier lifestyle or getting strong enough beat up your brother.

Next, break down your goals by the amount of time you expect it to take to reach them. It’s a really good idea to set short and long term goals.

Reaching short term goals gives you that extra boost you’ll need to sustain a long term fitness routine and reach some of your bigger, longer term goals. Here is a sample list of goals:

Short Term Goals:

1: Bench press 150 lbs.

2: Keep my routine going for at least a month

3: Be able to do 50 push-ups

Long Term Goals:

1: Bench press 200 lbs.

2: Keep my routine going for 3 months

3: Do 100 pushups

4: Look good for prom

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Step II: The Plan

Flip to the next blank page in your fitness journal and write a schedule for working out.

A 3 day a week commitment is great for beginners because excessive strength training can damage the body, particularly if you haven’t been active lately.

If possible, leave a day between every workout session. This allows your body to recuperate from the stress and rigors of strength training.

If you can’t spread out your workout sessions, focus on one muscle group during each session. This will increase the effectiveness of your workouts and also prevent damage being done to your body.

Next, plan your workout routine. A good routine will include stretches to warm up your body. Stretching before workout sessions is also a good way to prevent injuries and remain limber.

Starting off with a few push-ups and crunches is also a great way to gear your body up for a tough weight training routine.

Now, get out your journal and set dates and times for your fitness sessions, be very specific and make sure you have enough to time warm up and cool down.

Decide what muscle groups you’ll be working each day and design a workout routine specifically for yourself.

This will prevent you from competing against Joe Blow next to you who has been regularly working out for the past 5 years and keep you on track to reach your goals.

Step III: Your First Workout

Your first workout ever is not going to be your “normal routine”. Rather, you’re going to use your first session to gauge how in-shape you are.

Start with stretches of course and then perform some of these exercises to determine your physical condition: See how many crunches, sit, pull and chin ups you can do in a minute.

Next, check your max. Max means the maximum weight you can lift during an exercise. You can do this with bench press, leg press, curling, chest press, shoulder press, squats, and almost any other strength training exercise.

Next, you’re going to want to the amount of weight you can rep with every strength training exercise you plan to do.  “Rep” means to perform an exercise frequently without stopping.

Write down all your results in your fitness journal and date it. You’ll use this to track your progress which will also keep you motivated to continue your strength training routine.

Hopefully, this helps you understand the importance of keeping a log of your fitness routine because it can mean the difference between exercising for a week and exercising for life.

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Strength Training Strategies That Actually Work

Over the years there has been a surge of different strength training techniques that have come onto the market and just faded away.

Here we discuss the training strategies to gain the maximum amount of muscle in the shortest time possible that have stood up to the test of time.

Most of these strength-training strategies have been around for years but are not followed by many training systems these days. Let’s look at a few below that actually work.

1. Training Frequency

The two main components of strength training are the intensity of the exercise and the recovery after the exercise.

Infrequent, short, high intensity weight training sessions, followed by the required amount of time to recover and become stronger is what is needed to increase functional muscle size in the shortest period of time.

The latest research has repeatedly shown that muscles over-compensate (become stronger) up to a week after the previous workout, provided that the muscles are trained to failure.

Remember it’s not the training volume but the intensity and recuperation that are important when it comes to gains in strength and muscle.

2. Exercises Per Session

Tests under strict gym conditions have revealed that you’ve only got a limited amount of (readily available) energy to use for a weight training session.

Blood tests on individuals have also revealed that blood sugar levels (available energy) drop dramatically after 20 to 30 minutes of high intensity training.

As you only have a short period of time to train before our blood sugar level drops, “Exercise Selection” is crucial.

You have to use Multi-Joint or Compound movements, as this offer the most training stimulus for the available amount of time.

In other words, we can train many muscles simultaneously and thus use our energy more efficiently.

Performing three to four exercises with high intensity during a session are what most people are capable of. All the main structures of the body are worked hard during this time.

Working on these big compound movements has a knock-on effect throughout the whole body; there is no need for specialization techniques or isolation movements.

The fact is, the whole body is worked hard, rest and recuperation is allowed to take place and at the next exercise session you push out a few more reps than before with the same weight, then you have gotten stronger muscle.

3. Number of Sets Per Exercise

After performing one complete set a compound exercise to total failure, it should be just about impossible to generate the same force and intensity for another complete set of the same exercise.

If you’re able to generate the same force and intensity for this second set then it’ll be pretty obvious that not enough effort has been put into the first set.

Thus, you’ll have to raise the intensity level you put out for the first set.

If you give the first set 100% effort and work the exercise hard to total failure. For example, you cannot move the bar after the last rep.

Then, there will be not more requirement for further muscle stimulation on that specific exercise.

If you think that volume training (multiple sets) is more effective then you’re wrong! The latest research shows that single set training is as beneficial as multiple set training.

Training one set will decrease the chances of over-training. It will also allow you to save more energy for other exercises required during the workout.

4. Number of Repetitions Per Set

The development of muscle and strength is interrelated, it always has been. Strength training Sessions produce increases in strength that is equal to increases in functional muscle. You’ll become stronger and you’ll grow muscle.

Cycling intensity through changes in repetitions and weight throughout a ten-week program is an effective way to maintain progression and avoid training plateaus (slumps in strength).

Repetitions can be cycled. The higher repetition range will stimulate the slow twitch muscle fibers and promote endurance.

Moving further down the scale, the lower repetition range will activate the fast twitch muscle fibers and increase strength and muscle size.

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Strength Training Tips for Osteoporosis Prevention

What’s one of the best ways to prevent osteoporosis? According to many experts in the field of bone health, it’s exercise.

More specifically, strength training offers many benefits for men and women at risk of bone loss from osteoporosis.

Strength training, also called resistance training, uses resistance from free weights, resistance bands, and water exercise or weight machines to help build strength in muscles.

It also can help work on the bones to prevent the loss of minerals that weaken them.

In fact, according to sports doctors, strength training can increase your bone strength, reduce your risk of osteoporosis, improve the strength of your connective tissues, which increases joint stability and increase the functional strength of your muscles.

If you already have osteoporosis, say doctors, strength training can still benefit you in many ways, but you should work with your doctor or an experienced physical therapist to design a workout that will benefit your bones without increasing the risk of stress or compression fractures.

If your main intent is to prevent osteoporosis, you should work with heavier weights and more resistance.

A study conducted at the University of Arizona and published in Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise gives some answers to that.

In that study, scientists recruited 140 post-menopausal women with a history of sedentary lifestyle for a year-long regimen of three time’s weekly workouts.

The women performed eight exercises specifically chosen to work on particular muscle groups. Scientists took bone scans both before and after the study.

The results showed that the chosen exercises had a measurable effect on the bones of the hips, site of the most common fractures in post-menopausal women.

They also found that the greater the amount of total weight lifted over the course of the year, the greater the benefits to the bones.

If you’re just starting a resistance and strength training program, doctors and physical therapists offer the following tips:

Consult your doctor and follow a program designed by a physical therapist which takes your strengths and needs into account.
Work out at a gym or health club under the supervision of professionals who can help monitor and adjust your workout program.
Start slow and build gradually. Strength and resistance training is a slow process.
Never increase weights in resistance training more than 10% at a time because increasing more than that risks injury.
Lift and lower weights slowly. Avoid ‘jerking’ them up to avoid injury.
Perform your resistance workout every third day.
Avoid exercise that puts a lot of strain on your joints and bones, and stay away from the rowing machine. The bending required puts your spine at risk of compression fractures.
If any area is particularly tender or stiff immediately after a workout, apply ice to it for 10-15 minutes to reduce inflammation.


Proper exercise, weight control and a healthy diet all contribute to keeping your bones strong and preventing the loss of bone density due to osteoporosis. Do your bones a favor and give them a good workout a couple of times a week.


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How Women Get The Best Out Of Their Exercise?

women exercise tips

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How often do you exercise? That’s a common question we often heard but how effective do you exercise raises it to the level of quality and efficiency.

To all the women out there, be informed! Find out some fitness tips, exercise principles for beginners to remember and tips in getting toned muscles.

But first, let s start with what possible exercises you could do.

Best Fat Burning Exercises for Women

If you’re a busy woman who may be a mother, have a career and who still needs time left over for your partner, it’s not always easy to find time to exercise.

If you’re looking for fat burning exercises to fit that busy life, the best ones involve aerobic activity that gets the heart pumping.

Here are some great exercises to try:


Even though not everyone can practice running safely (check with your doctor first), running is still one of the best ways to burn a lot of calories fast.

Try sprinting fast for twenty seconds, then jogging at a slower pace for a minute and repeat.

Wear a sports bra and supportive fitness clothing especially made for women for added safety.

Fast Walking

A safer method of burning calories fast is walking quickly. There is a lot less impact, but you won’t be able to cover as much ground.

However, the safety can’t be beat as you won’t cause any damage to your joints or internal organs with fast walking.


If you need a super low impact form of exercise that can burn a lot of fat, try swimming. But, you can’t just do any kind of swimming.

Shoot for moves that cause you to use all of your body, your arms and your legs such as the butterfly stroke and the breast stroke, so that you can burn the most calories and fat in each movement.


You know the good old-fashioned dance aerobics that your momma used to do? It is popular for a reason: it works.

It’s also fun to do and you can burn an enormous amount of calories in a short period of time if you make large, exaggerated movements.


Almost any sort of dancing is a great calorie burner. If you wonder why you were skinny “back in the day,” it is probably due to going out dancing on the weekend. Dancing is fun to do.

You want to do dances that cause you to breathe hard and sweat. Don’t be shy either. you don’t even need a partner. You just need good music and a little space in your living room.


This is a type of bike riding where the bike doesn’t actually move, and you have a leader running you through the paces in super-fast intervals with fast intervals. This is for advanced exercise veterans and not for the weak.

Jumping Jacks

The exercise you did in Physical Education during elementary years is actually an excellent fat burner.

You need to make big movements and move quickly to get the full effect. Try doing three sets of 100 reps to get your day moving.

Jump Rope

This is an excellent way to burn fat for anyone. You can move very quickly and try different types of moves from jumping, to skipping, to one leg or two. Shoot for three sets of 100 reps.


Made popular by astronauts, this form of exercising which requires that the exerciser jump up and down on a small trampoline has great benefits outside of fat burning.

It works every muscle in the body and burns an enormous amount of calories – twice as much as running in some cases, without the stress on the body.

Besides these exercises, ensure that you drink enough water, eat less fat, and watch your caloric intake.

However, don’t cut your calories too much to avoid the starvation effect that causes your body to shut down on its fat burning efforts.

And to effectively do your exercise programs, here are some helpful fitness tips for you.

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7 Fitness Tips for Women

Would you like to be a fit woman? Or are you a fit woman but would like to be effective?

Here are 7 great tips on how to become an effective fit woman:

1. Get a program that will best suit you.

Every fitness woman is different. You may have surgical history where a program may not be suited for you.

Always consult a qualified trainer to make sure that the fitness program will not hurt you.

If the fitness program is not for you, it will only be a cause of frustration and injuries.

2. Set realistic targets.

Wouldn’t you be frustrated if you set your mind into reshaping your body in a month? Make sure that the body you prefer in a period of time is achievable and realistic.

The program should also be practical and will not give you false hopes.

It is important to be aware of the blocks you encounter in your daily living. This will help you know what program is satisfactory.

And once a program has been reached, and then you can set goals and timelines that are realistic.

3. Exercises should work on the parts of your body where muscles are.

The reason mainly is, when you develop muscles, you burn more calories and then you lessen the fats in your body.

Multi-joint exercises and weight lifting are recommended.

Learn what exercises work on certain parts of your body. Multi-joint exercises are also said to be effective but time-saving.

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4. Be systematic on working on your muscles.

Your muscles should be working harder over time. Repeating the same sets of exercises and same weight without getting your muscles to work harder will not give satisfactory results.

You can record your daily results and make the progression based on your previous data. A daily log will also motivate you since you are able to track how far you have gone.

It builds confidence since there is a written proof something that was successfully accomplished.

5. Perform a set of exercises in 10 repetitions.

Every number that was accomplished is called a repetition. Try to make every repetition with less momentum as much as possible.

The lesser the momentum, the harder your muscles work. And the harder they work, the bigger they become.

To check if there is much momentum when lifting, see if the arm is floating. If the arm does float, then there is much momentum.

6. Be flexible and perform a variety of exercises.

Every exercise program should have a variety. You can change your exercises, goals, and sets every month to keep you motivated and on the go.

Doing this will help you prevent being bored and losing energy physically and mentally.

7. Be Motivated!

The best way to keep the energy levels of trainees is to allow a healthy competition and allow them to have a sense of control.

Having control is having the sense ownership where everybody gets a part in implementing a program.

To do this you also need to be consistent in demonstrating your skills.

Not all programs work for all types of people. There is no workout that is best for everyone. But you learn from experienced people.

Learn to acknowledge blocks and demonstrate self-discipline, keep yourself motivated and work harder everyday and add variety.

Doing these things, you will discover that a lot of programs will work for you.

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Women’s Exercise: The 5 Rs Principle

What if there was a simple, straightforward way of taking a workout and figuring out exactly what should be in it?

There is it’s called the 5 Rs principle.

Instead of exercising mindlessly, beginners or not, take note of these 5 important principles when you are performing your exercise routines.

The 5 Rs Principle can help beginning exercisers figure out what exactly goes into an effective workout.

Each `R’ focuses on an important element of an exercise routine that forces you to look at your workouts in a holistic fashion.

RANGE of motion

The range of motion refers to how the capability of a joint to move through a prescribed set of movements.

In order for a beginner to see results, each exercise should be performed from a fully stretched position of the muscle to a fully contracted position.

An example:

A lot of beginners load up the EZ-curl bar for preacher curls and perform the exercise only lowering the bar halfway down on the eccentric portion of the exercise.

Not only can this cause injury to the bicep muscle, it also doesn’t work the muscle the best way possible and limits the results of the exercise.

You’ll hear the term `range of motion’ often in reference to joint health and mobility. This is no exception in the gym. Your joints are supported by large and small muscles.

In order to optimize your joint health, all the muscles surrounding the joints must be worked as well.


When you’re just starting to lift weights, how much weight to use is a huge issue. It’s unfortunate that many personal trainers will tell women to use a lighter weight so that they will “tone up” and not get bulky.

This is probably the biggest myth in all of the weight lifting? Women who lift heavy weights will not get bulky. Don’t believe anyone who tells you this!

Choose a weight that allows you to complete the exercise without sacrificing proper form but that is heavy enough that you cannot possibly perform another repetition at the end of your prescribed set of repetitions.


Another huge variable for beginning exercisers is how many repetitions to perform. Performing certain repetitions will indeed produce highly specific results.

In general, low repetitions (3-8) produce greater absolute strength, medium repetitions (10-20) produce anaerobic strength endurance, and high repetitions (20-40) produce aerobic strength endurance.

Now, an ideal beginner routine will probably include sets of medium repetitions, just to allow the person exercising to learn to perform the exercise correctly, with proper form and technique and to allow her to experiment with experiencing muscle fatigue at 12-15 repetitions.

As she progresses, she can experiment with different set/rep schemes customized to individual goals.

An important note is that in order to achieve the results desired from performing a certain number of repetitions are that muscular failure must be achieved within the repetition ranges above.

Muscular failure means that you can’t possibly push out one more repetition no matter how hard you’re trying to do it.


In general, your body needs between two to four minutes of rest between sets to prepare itself to perform another set at maximum capacity.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine (PC) are used by your muscle cells to contract during a weight lifting exercise.

Your body needs time to regenerate these two compounds before it is ready to go again.

Unless you’re trying to develop all-out absolute strength by performing low repetitions with very heavy weight, you’re probably not going to need to wait that long between sets.

Most beginners will be working within a medium repetition range and therefore do not need to wait that long between sets. One to two minutes is fine.


You will not see faster or better results by working on the same muscle groups day after day. As important as hard work is, recovery between workouts is even more important.

Beginners should work the same muscle groups no more than two times per week, with at least forty- eight hours break between sessions.

As an exercise becomes more advanced, she will probably cut back to working on each muscle group once every seven days or so.

And to review, these principles are range of motion, resistance, repetition, rest, and recovery.

Hopefully, you get enough idea on how to get the most of your exercise, doing them efficiently and effectively for you to reap the results while living a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, do not forget to have fun and enjoy the process of exercising. Remember, you are doing this for you.

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How To Get Chiseled Abs Even At Home?

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If there is one standard that most of the world uses to determine whether a person’s body is in good shape it is a well-defined set of abdominal muscles.

The “ab” muscles are a visual symbol of a person that takes care of their muscles and, by association, their body as a whole.

Although the latter is not necessarily true, a good set of abs is a desired physical attribute for most to aspire to.

There are plenty of simple ab exercises that you can do on your own, in your house, with no special equipment required.

Which muscle groups to work?

Building your abs is an exercise in personal discipline. Building each of the main ab muscles takes a concentrated effort.

From a lay person’s point of view there are three main abdominal muscle groups: the upper, the lower and the obliques.

The upper ab muscles are often referred to as a “beer belly”, the lower abs as a “pooch” and the oblique’s as “love handles”.

As the exercises that help strengthen these muscle groups are discussed, it should be pointed out that none of the exercises reduces fat levels.

That is left to a proper diet and other exercises. For a total fitness plan, you may want to speak with your doctor.

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Start with a pain-free stretch

Personal discipline is one thing but stopping before you begin, because of a pulled muscle, is another. Begin your ab routine with a nice even stretching of your core body.

Relax and roll any muscle you have between your upper neck and your waist. This might best be described as keeping your feet planted shoulder width apart, bending your knees slightly and making a 360-degree circle with your upper body or waist up.

As you do this you will feel muscle groups pulling as you stretch them. DO THIS SLOWLY and you will quickly find the ab groups you will soon be working.

Proper Position and Isolation

In performing each of the following exercises, proper positioning is important for getting the maximum effect out of each movement.

The one position you will need in each exercise is bent knees. This angle, in reference to the floor, will generally be 90 degrees unless otherwise stated.

What this does is isolate the abs and prevent your legs from helping the abs in the exercise. The next important tip is to not overextend your range of motion.

The common perception for most of these exercises is to cover the full range of motion from the starting point of the exercise to the end.

You will only need to cover about 30 percent of that range for the best isolation of the abs. Strangely enough; you will find this lesser motion more difficult.


Crunches and sit-ups are not going to get your abdominals showing through unless you get rid of the fat covering them.

To remove that fat, you’re going to have to do some cardio work. Don’t worry, you are not asked to go run a marathon, or climb a rock wall or anything.

To get adequate exercise for losing weight, go for a walk. Stroll around the block. Take the stairs. Ask a friend to walk with you to the store instead of taking the car.

Shoot for thirty minutes and then go for more time once you get more comfortable with it. Or you could run if you really want to maximize your results.

The higher you can get your heart pumping, the more fat you’ll lose. But walking is perfectly acceptable, as long as you walk long enough and often enough.

Remember to stand tall while you walk, as this holds your abs in and helps to tone them as you walk around.

You’ll also be giving your back far more support, which can also help strengthen the muscles there. 30-45 minutes each day, five days a week should be perfect for dropping the weight quickly so that your results can show through.

To make things easier, listen to your favorite music while you walk, run, cardio or kick box. Music makes the time fly and it can really energize you, resulting in a better workout.

Get Ripped Abs

Crunches vs Sit-ups

Some people advocate crunches to get really ripped abs and some say that sit-ups are better. The truth is that it doesn’t matter what abdominal exercises you do.

As long as you put some intensity into them, and you feel the burn, they will give you the rock hard abs you’re wanting.

It is how you do the sit-up that counts. Most people do them incorrectly.

Perform a “crunch” by:

– Laying on the floor and bending your knees to a 90-degree angle with the floor. Heels on the floor with feet at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Interlace your fingers behind your head.

– Relax your arms and neck.

– Smoothly raise your upper body to a 30-degree angle while bringing your knees to your chest. Return to the starting position slowly and smoothly, repeat.

– Keep your arms and legs relaxed and move in a smooth motion for best results.

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Crunches are exercises where you bring your body right forward, curling upwards to bend yourself into a tight ‘V’ shape. There are very many variations on crunches.

One of the most popular is the exercise ball crunch, which is where you lie back on an exercise ball, and then do a crunch slowly, without the ball moving.

This allows you to keep a good crunch speed, as well as supporting your back while you crunch.

Another good method is the full crunch, where you extend out your legs and then put your hands behind your head.

As you pull yourself up with your hands, push outwards with your legs. If it is done right, this will exercise both your upper and lower body.

You might also try the reverse crunch, sometimes known as a V-up, where you lie on the floor, put your legs in the air, and then instead of bending up towards your legs, you bend your legs back towards you. This has the same effect, but is less strenuous, as you are lifting less weight.

Working up to a Side Bridge

To be ready for the “side bridge” ab exercise you may need to work your biceps and your shoulders. For these exercises simply fill two or more 1-gallon jugs with water and begin curling them for 15 repetitions, this equals one set.

Repeat and add weight (more water or jugs.) For your shoulder use the same jugs and lift, with a slightly bent elbow, to the side.

To perform the bridge:

– Lay on your side with straight legs one on top of the other. Place your hand just under your body at the shoulder.

–  Press down on your hand and raise your body up until the arm is almost locked (don’t let it lock.)

– Raise your opposite arm to perpendicular with your body and hold the position for a count of 10. Lower and repeat.

Medicine Ball Plank

This ab exercise resembles a “push-up” except that you are putting your hands on a medicine ball. You are also not lowering and raising yourself but holding one position for 15 counts.

After you begin to feel stronger performing this exercise, work toward a 30 count for one set. Do three sets to start and make sure that your knees are slightly bent and not locked.

Standing or Seated Twists

This exercise is fairly straight forward. Stand with feet at shoulder width apart. Place your hands on your hips and twist smoothly from side to side.

As you become more stretched and comfortable with the movement begin holding a weighted object like a medicine ball or water filled jugs with two hands at your center.

Once you feel comfortable with this movement try the same movement while sitting on the floor with your feet off the ground and knees slightly bent.

When this feels easier try bouncing the ball on each side while your feet remain on the ground.

Get Ripped Abs

Ab Vacuum

One of the keys to that coveted six pack is building up the muscles of the midsection, and building up all other muscle groups.

The secret weapon for developing the musculature of the abdominal wall is a little-known exercise called the ab vacuum.

It targets you inner most abdominal muscle, the transverse abdominis or TVA for short. Most people don’t even know they have one let alone how to activate it.

The TVA is like a corset, it is your own internal weight belt, holding your internal organs in place.

It is the foundation for the rest of the abdominal muscles, the internal and external obliques, and the rectus abdominis.

If you have done crunches and leg-lifts until you are blue in the face and are still unhappy with your mid-section, this information could take your quest for that fit chiseled mid-section to the next level.

There are other benefits to strengthening your TVA.

– It is the only exercise that has the ability to actually make your waistline smaller.

– By working and strengthening the TVA you are actually giving your spine more support, so the risk of the vertebrae or a disc slipping out of place is less.

Did you notice that the old leather weight belts are not used anymore? That’s because we learned to tighten up our own internal weight belt on exercises versus using an external weight belt that shut off the need to activate the TVA which leads to injuries.

Better sex. When you strengthen your TVA with the ab vacuum exercise you will be using your diaphragm and you will also strengthen your lower pelvic floor muscles (ala a Kegel squeeze).

To perform a Kegel exercise, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles as if you’re trying to stop the flow of urine mid-stream. Stronger pelvic floor muscles help women achieve orgasms and help men achieve and maintain erections. It also makes the orgasms more pleasurable.

You can work the other abdominal muscles more effectively.

You can’t shoot a cannon out of a canoe. You can’t have strong walls on your building if your foundation is weak.

When you strengthen up the foundation of your mid-section you will be able to perform your other abdominal exercises with more focused intensity. You will be able to feel the difference in weeks.

Athleticism– the TVA is the deepest abdominal muscle group there is.

It is truly the core the core. An athlete can have an excellent cardiovascular condition and have strong leg and back muscles, but if his core muscles aren’t in optimal condition.

This creates a weak link in the bodies muscle chain that affects all his movements. All movements and reactions start at the core. If core muscles don’t do their jobs to stabilize and move the torso, then arm and leg muscles will overcompensate, trying to do a job for which they are ill-equipped.

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To get in tune with and activate your TVA simply place your hands around the sides of your body at your pelvis. Flatten your stomach by gently pulling in your gut, or pulling your belly away from your waistband.

You can feel the TVA at work as it reduces the diameter of your torso in that area. This simple exercise also demonstrates the involvement of the abs in respiration, particularly exhalation.

The combination of two little-known exercises takes the effectiveness of this core exercise to the next level.

Basically, it is a combination of an ab vacuum with a Kegel squeeze. Most women know what a Kegel squeeze is. In childbirth, it gets the lower pelvic floor muscles stronger which aid in the pushing for childbirth.

For men, when trying to perform a Kegel squeeze, think about stopping the flow of urine mid-stream while pulling your belly button back toward your spine as you exhale about ½ of your lung capacity.

Also, try to think about squeezing your sphincter muscles or like you have a quarter between your butt cheeks and you don’t want it to fall out.

Now, let’s perform the exercise:

1. To begin, lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90, feet flat on the floor and the small of your back pushed flat into the floor.

2. Take in a very slow long breath and start to slowly exhale ¾ of your air while you are pulling your belly button down toward your spine. Try to put your index finger on your belly-button and feel it rise as you take the long breath in and then feel it start downward as you exhale ¾ of your lung capacity.

3. While at the same time pushing your lower back into the floor and drive your chin down toward your chest slightly.

4. Once you have ¾ of your air out hold your breath and suck in through your throat with your breath being held for 5-10 seconds.

5. As you are holding your breath and sucking in, think about pulling your innards up and under your rib-cage.

It is called the ab vacuum for a reason, it is a little hard to come out of it and resume your normal breathing.

But you will, and once you do relax and take a couple breaths and repeats. Start out doing 1 set of 6-9 repetitions, 2-3 times per week.

You can do the ab vacuum anywhere, and need no equipment. It’s a great way to wake up, or to end your day.

It will take lots of practice and each week you will be able to feel the muscles working more and more.

Once you get good at the technique you will be able to feel a ½ circle burning sensation in the pubic area.

Don’t be alarmed, just feel good about mastering one of the most unique and effective abdominal exercises out there.

Please don’t give up on this exercise, once you master it you will be able to reverse gravity and start to put back in place what years of inactivity and bad posture has started to let hang over your belt line.

Thus, these are some effective exercises you can do right at your own place to get a six pack abs.

At first, getting a little exercise into your daily routine will seem like really hard work. That goes especially for those who aren’t used to moving around very much. But soon your body will begin to crave it.

You’ll notice your blood pressure dropping, your appetite evening out, your attitude improving, your energy levels increasing and of course, enjoy all the weight you’re losing.

Of course, don’t forget your diet or the right nutrition plan and optimistic mindset on your quest for that chiseled abs.

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Which Back Exercise Gives You Better Relief?

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What are the best exercises and stretches for back pains? Have you been asking this question for quite some time?

No matter what your job, you use your back every day when you’re sitting, standing, lifting, and even lying down.

Take note that a back injury can result in pain, disability, and even loss of income if it prevents one from doing their jobs.

Together with proper lifting techniques, back exercises are one of the most important things you can do to strengthen your back and help protect it from accidental injury and sports injuries.

The right back exercises, when done on a daily basis, can help to keep your back fit at the best possible level.

Remember though, if you are experiencing back pain of any sort, check with a healthcare professional before doing this or any exercises.

And do the exercise according to the medical advice rendered by that professional.

Be wary of some consequences of improper exercise such as sciatica. Sciatica is the disease which affects nerves of the back.

To control the back pain due to the nerve disease you must undergo strength training in physiotherapy.

If you understand the concepts of how backs get injured by bad back exercise habits you can easily tell if you are moving in healthy ways, if an exercise will help or harm, or if you’re doing a good exercise in a bad way.

You’re not helping yourself if all you do is a “list” of exercises. Worse, many people are given a list of things to never do them again.

This list is often the favorite activities that made their lives worthwhile and fun.

Most people spend their lives doing activities with poor posture that rounds their lower back.

They sit, stand, walk, and exercise round-shouldered and round-backed.

This shortens chest and shoulder muscles in front, and over stretches and weakens your back.

Like squeezing a water balloon in front, when you round forward.It squeezes the front of your discs between your back bones (vertebrae) above and below the disc.

Below are several options of back exercises that you could do or you could choose to perform to relieve any back pain.


Back Exercise Stretches for Back Pain

Back exercise stretches the lower back muscles to help bring relief to back pain caused by over-stressed back muscles. Spine rehabilitation too is done through back exercise.

People suffering from back pain are put through an exercise regimen, as exercise stretches the back and promotes better blood circulation in the area.

You will hear many people complain of back pain occasionally. About 75% to 85% of the people experience back pain at some point in time in their life.

The most common area of back pain is the lumbar region of the spine. This is the region that bears most of the body weight. Sudden twisting and bending can cause injury to the back.

Back pain also occurs when the muscles get stiff because of poor posture. Back exercise stretches the stiff muscles to provide relief.


Back Exercise Stretches – For Back Pain Relief

Back exercise stretches need to be performed softly. You should treat your back gently and not subject it jerky and violent movement.

The exercise routine that you follow should start gently and gradually build over a period of a few weeks.

You could cause more harm than good if you do not follow the expert’s advice in matters of back exercise.

Warm up your body before you embark on the stretching routine. Exercise stretches the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the area surrounding the back.

The muscles and tendons associated with the spine are designed for movement. Hence, they need to be stretched daily to perform optimally.

The hamstring muscles are an important factor in back pain problems. Most people with back pain have stiff hamstring muscles.

Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now slowly bend forward and try to touch your toes with your hands without bending your knees.

Your action should be smooth and not jerky. Be careful not to overdo the stretching part. Stop when you feel pain. This exercise stretches your hamstring muscles.

Your back pain will improve gradually as you continue with the exercise. The exercise can also be performed while lying down.


Basic Guidelines for Back Strengthening Exercises

Back exercises are one of the better ways to relieve yourself from back pain and lead a healthy life.

It is important to ensure that exercises are worked within a range of motion, so as not to further strain the painful back.

In case you experience pain while doing some stretching steps, stop exercising immediately. Avoid sudden movements and jerks when performing back exercises.

Even though it may be hard to perform the steps in a slow and controlled motion.

People suffering from lower back problems face various problems while working out. It is important to get into an exercise routine gradually and build muscle power.

Always perform back exercises after consulting your trainer. It is also important to understand that back pain doesn’t develop overnight and hence restoration of the back will also take time.

Check this back exercise that gently stretches your back muscles:

1. Lie on your back with knees bent.

2. Slowly raise your left knee to your chest, while pressing your lower back firmly against the floor.

3. Remain in position for 5 seconds.

4. Relax. Repeat the exercise with your right knee.

5. Repeat this exercise 10 times for each leg.

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Best Exercises For A Healthy Back

Back pain plagues millions of people over the course of their lifetime.

Back pain can be due to repetitive strain on the back, an acute injury to the back, bone wear, and tear on the back or even from simple fatigue.

Some experience back pain because they work in a sitting job and the back is weakened due to lack of exercise.

Many cases of back pain can be avoided by exercising your back in a healthy way that strengthens the muscles and ligaments so that back pain will not be a problem again.

Strengthen The Core

The back is not the only thing that keeps your body upright. Your abdomen, together with your back, represents the “core” of your body.

Both parts need to be functioning in order for you to have the ability to stand, stretch, and bend appropriately.

Perhaps one of the best exercises for a healthy back includes abdominal exercises. A weak abdomen puts too much pressure on the back to take on functions the abdomen needs to participate in.

Abdominal exercises strengthen the overall core and will help you have a strong and healthy back.

What abdominal exercises work best?

Something as simple as sit ups can help strengthen the abdominal muscles so that the core is strengthened.

The exercises can be done in several ways to strengthen the upper, middle and body muscles.

For example:

  • Sit ups with your legs straight—this strengthens the upper abdominal muscles
  • Sit ups with your legs bent—this strengthens the middle abdominal muscles
  • Lying down and lifting your feet off the floor—this strengthens the lower abdominal muscles

Try to do these three kinds of sit-ups in different sets of ten at a time and you will have a strong core that will help your back keep your body strong.

As mentioned, you should do sets of ten of each of the three types of exercises and do about ten sets a day.

This involves about three hundred different exercises that may make your abdomen sore for a day or so.

Simple Back Exercises

You can strengthen the back alone although most exercises that strengthen the back also strengthen the abdominal muscles as well.

Either way, you have a healthier back as a result.

Leg Lifts

One simple back strengthening exercise involves lying prone (on your stomach) and lifting your leg straight up a few inches off the ground. Do one leg at a time.

Ideally, you should do sets of ten backward leg lifts at a time before switching legs. Do several sets each day to strengthen the back.

Back Exercise Machines

There are machines you can use at the health club that isolates the back muscles.

They involve sitting in a chair of sorts that bends backward when you straighten out your back so you are in a lying position.

Different weights can be added to the machine so that you can gradually increase your muscle strength with heavier and heavier weights.

Do ten repetitions at a time and several sets of repetitions as part of an overall muscle strengthening routine.

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Upper Back Exercises for a Strong Back

The back supports the weight of the upper body and has to be strong to carry out its work unhindered.

People focus on strengthening their lower back, but upper back muscles too need toning up.

A well-toned back looks good and helps in maintaining correct posture. Upper back exercises are a good way of strengthening the upper back.

Some effective upper back exercises are mentioned below.

Women would rather have a well-toned upper body, whereas men prefer a muscular back. Dumbbell pullovers and dumbbell rows are effective upper back exercises.

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Dumbbell Pullover

You will need a narrow workout bench.

Lie with the workbench supporting the upper back and neck, and your head leaning over one end.

Place one leg each on either side of the bench with feet firmly placed on the ground.

Lift the dumbbell over your face with arms stretched out. Slowly lower the dumbbell over your head in an arc.

Hold, and bring it back to original position. Initially, do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

Another variation of this upper back exercise is to hold the dumbbell with bent arms. With elbows bent, slowly lower the dumbbell over your head in an arc.

And then gently pull back the dumbbell to the original position.Primarily, do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

Dumbbell Row

Place the dumbbell on the right side of the bench, and your left leg on the bench with the right foot firmly placed on the floor.

While leaning forward, place the left hand on the bench in front of the body. Your back should be in horizontal position.

Pick up the dumbbell and raise your arm slowly upwards until your upper arm is in level with your upper body.

Hold, and take back your arm to the original position.

Initially, do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

Now, repeat the exercise with the left arm.

These upper back exercises are great ways to build a strong upper back that add to the ‘V’ shape of the body.

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Pilates for Back Pain

The essential thing that those who suffer from back pain can learn is awareness of the neutral alignment of the spine and the strengthening of the postural muscles to support the alignment.

For those people with back pain caused by the degeneration of discs and joints, or poor posture, a Pilate’s exercise program can be beneficial to easing the problem.

Most back problems are caused by bad posture; this can be sitting, walking or standing.

This causes us to lose strength in our postural muscles over time and gets worse until eventually, you cannot even correct your posture if you want to.

Pilates is an excellent form of exercise to remedy this problem too.

What is Pilates?

The Pilates method is a form of exercise that focuses on using the core postural muscles to help keep the body balanced and support the spine.

It is a method that teaches awareness of breathing and alignment of the spine. In helping to prevent and alleviate back pain the system also strengthens the deep torso muscles.

While Pilates is a simple form of exercise you shouldn’t underestimate the impact that it can have, Pilates can help to develop support for the deep postural muscles of the trunk.

It brings an awareness of the importance of neutral alignment and leads to the shoulders and hips being suppler.

Pilates has roots in ballet and dance and as such, some of the movements used in the system can be particularly challenging and difficult.

However, there are some exercises that can be learned and practiced at home between guided sessions.

As when beginning any new form of exercise it is important that you seek the advice of your doctor before commencing, the instructor guiding the Pilates session should also be qualified.

One-on-one sessions may be the answer

For those who have significant back problems, it may be advisable to have a few one-on-one sessions with an instructor qualified in Pilates and especially in treating those with back pain.

While this is more expensive than attending a class it can be worth the extra expense to learn the exercise correctly by having one-on-one guidance.

While the exercises in the Pilates system should challenge you mentally and physically, they shouldn’t cause you to struggle with them.

If an exercise is causing you pain then it could be that you are not performing it correctly or it could be too difficult a position for you.

You should make sure that you never put too much excessive stress on the intervertebral discs and avoid mental or physical fatigue.

As a general rule, those suffering from back pain and attending Pilates should never perform any exercise that pushes the spine into extremes of extension or flexion.

Side bending movements and twisting of the spine should also be avoided. As with most forms of exercise, it will take perseverance and some time spent attending classes before you will see any major improvements.

Wrapping Up

A healthy back is all about core strength training. It includes not only exercises of the back but exercises of the stomach as well.

Flexibility exercises help your back as well and include things like bending from side to side to loosen the back stiffness and bending forward to touch your toes, which keeps your back from getting too tight.

Try some of the exercises mentioned above or share them with your acquaintance you know that might need it or you think would be helpful to them.

Be mindful of your posture as well and how you execute your day to day activities to avoid any back injuries in the future.

As you can see, back exercises are needed to maintain a healthy back or to recuperate an injured back.

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Additional Reference:

10 Best Muscle Building Back Exercise!

Best Back Exercises for a Complete Back Workout

The 30 Best Back Exercises of All Time

How to Do the Top 8 Back Exercises

Back Exercises in 15 Minutes

Exercise and Back Pain

15 Simple but Powerful Back Exercises that Eases Stiffness and Lower Back Pain

Top 5 Exercises to Strengthen your Core to Prevent Low Back Pain

No Equipment Back Exercises

5 No-Equipment Back Exercises You Need in Your Life

No-Equipment Back Exercises

Heal you Lower Back Pain with these 5 Yoga Poses

How to Get a Strong Back,,20709957,00.html

Exercises for a Healthy Back




How Resistance Training Gives You a Beautiful Body?

resistance training

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Do you want to have a stronger and more beautiful body? Then the best thing to do is get on your feet and start doing the resistance training.

What Is Resistance Training?

Resistance training involves activities that use weights, machines, and even body weight to work out the muscles properly.

It is also known as strength training or weight training. This can be very helpful in achieving a healthier body.

This kind of training is usually associated with athletes who have to build up their bodies.

Resistance training is any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance with the expectation of increases in strength, tone, mass, and/or endurance.

Most people would think that when resistance training is done, the body will grow bigger. Actually, it will not. Resistance training is simply about increasing the strength of the body, not its size.

This can be practiced by anyone. It basically builds and tones the muscle to give the body a better look.

This training program is even very much advisable to the elders. The usual training programs undergone by the elders are standing free-weights resistance or the moderate-intensity seated machine training.

resistance training

How Does Resistance Training Work?

A resistance training program will include the use of various exercise equipment and machines like the bench press, dumbbell or barbell.

When the equipment is used, the muscles of the body will be pitted against the weight. The cells of the body will then adapt to the extra weight.

This will then result to hypertrophy or the enlarging and increasing of the nerve cells to help in the muscle contraction.

Before doing any resistance training, it will be best to consult first with the doctor. This goes especially for people who have medical conditions or are overweight.

This kind of training is not something that you can explore on your own. You have to know the proper equipment for the needs of your body. The body must also be conditioned first before taking in the weights.

Resistance training can also be done without resorting to the equipment. Doing push-ups is one good example. You can do it just about anywhere where there is enough space for you to move.

This time, it is your own body weight that will be pitted against the muscles. So those who are a bit constrained in the budget can still do resistance training.

Remember to target push-pull balance and learn the proper training frequency while performing resistance training.

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What are the 5 Rules of Resistance Training?

If your resistance training program isn’t performing for you, there’s a solution. Get back to basic.

Give your routine a facelift by reviewing these 5 fitness rules.

Rule 1: Always Exhibit Proper Posture

The most important thing to remember when resistance training: proper form will make all the difference.

Forget sets and reps, if its results you’re looking for and your form aren’t solid, you are asking for injury, not to mention an inferior workout.

Guarantee a shape-shift by using this technique:

Stand in front of the mirror with feet shoulder width apart, eyes facing forward.

Tuck your hips under and engage your abdominals – this will protect your spine and lower back and place your body in the safety zone.

Use this technique when performing a lift from a sitting position, as well. Make a mental picture; train your mind to notice if you are out of alignment by recognizing how this protective, invisible girdle feels around your torso. Soon, you will find your body naturally conforming to this posture.

Rule 2: Always Be Aware of Your Breath

When performing a lift, always be aware of your breathing. This is especially important if you have considerations with your heart and blood pressure.

If you hold your breath during resistance training you could be placing a dangerous amount of pressure on your heart.

Here’s a technique to help you breathe properly during a lift:

While engaging the lift: inhale through your nose. Continue to take in this long deep breath until you’ve reached capacity. Then, quickly exhale through the mouth on your exertion.

Over time your breathing pattern will become rhythmic.

Rule 3: Know the Difference between Precision and Momentum

It’s often been said, 3 repetitions performed with precision will net greater results than 20 repetitions performed with momentum.

This statement demonstrates the difference in the two. Yes, you’ll need to challenge yourself and push your body’s limits, but swinging weights and using momentum not only looks sloppy but begets equal results.

The answer: A proper lift with a sensible weight will create definition and a sleek beautiful body.

Rule 4: Be Aware of Lifting Too Heavy

Rule number 4 is a natural extension of the previous principle.

Remember, it’s important to make strength gains during resistance training and this will happen naturally.

However, if you are forcing the lift, you are using a weight that is too heavy.

Here’s the test: After a workout, you may experience some slight soreness in the muscle.

However, if this soreness lasts beyond 48 hours, it may be a sign that you are lifting too heavy. As a rule, always aim to warm up and cool down, before and after your workout session.

Rule 5: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

The body is made of 60% – 70% water.

Therefore, it is important to hydrate the body before, during and after exercise as the increased exertion accelerates the rate of water loss.

A rule of thumb is to drink at least an 8-ounce glass of water before during and after your workout. This will keep the body hydrated. It will also prevent dehydration and undue stress on your kidneys.

The Secret Rule:

Something else to keep in mind for a safe, effective workout, obtain proper footwear. This should not be taken lightly. Proper footwear will help protect your feet, back, and joints from receiving the majority of the impact.

As a rule, you should take a constant inventory of your feet, replacing your training shoes 2-3 times per year, depending on use. You will know when it’s time if they’ve broken down or feel loose and sloppy.

Above all, listen to your body! Be aware of what is trying to tell you. If you aim your awareness toward these rules of resistance training; your body will reward you with a strong, well-formed, and injury-free body.


What Are the Benefits of Resistance Training?

1. Increase Bone Mineral Density

Bones are constantly remodeling, meaning the tissues break down at the same time they build up. The peak of remodeling takes place during puberty.

However, as a person ages, there may be problems with the bone mineral density as the remodeling may not be as active anymore. This is especially a problem with post-menopausal women.

Bone mineral density is usually supported by the hormones. To address the problem of not having the hormones to maintain the bone mineral density, physical activity is the next best option. Resistance training is one physical activity that can address this.

2. Increase Strength

Strong bones and strong muscles will be developed as you undergo the resistance training program.

3. Increase the Range of Activities

When your body is strong enough to carry some considerable weight, then definitely you will also be capable of doing more strenuous activities.

You are less likely to be lazy and you can live a more active lifestyle.

4. Reduce Body Fat

Putting the weights on your muscle will definitely give it the body the exercise it needs and gets rid of the undesirable fats.

Thus, expect the tone of the body to improve. Even more, expect the body to look better, to be leaner.

5. Improve State of the Elders

For the elderly, undergoing a resistance training program will help improve their health and decrease the risks brought about by the age.

They can be more independent, without needing to rely on other people for doing simple things. Being able to do so will also decrease the risk of injuries in the elders

6. Improve Heart Condition

Regularly doing resistance training can result in a lowered heart rate and lowered blood pressure, especially after exercise. The risk of heart diseases is reduced to a considerable extent.

This kind of training must be properly done. It requires commitment and consistency. It will have to be done on a regular basis, following a schedule that the doctor or the physical trainer would recommend.

If done incorrectly, the benefits of the program may not be enjoyed and it can even result in injury.

The key here is to simply take your time. Do things one step at a time correctly. As your body condition improves, then move on to more challenging tasks.

The strength of the body and its overall look are at stake in the resistance training. So you better be sure to do it properly.

resistance training for women

What is the Significance of Resistance Training for Women?

Many women nowadays are into resistance training. Many get into resistance training programs engaging into sports.

Resistance training is important for women. It allows you to be active and have a healthy body. You may also gain the needed strength and physically built muscles.

Before you start lifting weights, you should know the proper ways on how to execute the exercise. Many women seriously encounter injuries when they incorrectly lift weights.

It is important that you get rid first of the excess weight that you have by walking or jogging. You may also purchase weight loss equipment such as treadmills, cross bar platinum, and nutrition boo guides for a better health.

Women usually do not have the natural muscle structure that most men have. They may not also have the same strength to carry heavy loads or the same resistance that men have.

What more if you get older? Your body may no longer have the same strength when you were still young. This happens because of the lifestyle you have or just because of aging process.

Your resistance may have just decreased and your body tends to weaken.

You can benefit many things when you get into resistance training. Even if you are not an athlete or a body-building enthusiast, you can get into resistance training programs.

Having an active body and well-toned muscles can provide you the more strength and good resistance.

You can do some workout outdoors like walking or jogging to get a better blood circulation.

You may also do some stretching and warm up exercises to allow the blood nutrients go to the muscles and joints of your body.

Muscle stretching also helps in lessening the risks of injuries and muscle pains after the workout.

Muscles tend to sore and get strained if you are not well warmed-up and do the proper stretching techniques before the workout.

In addition, muscle stretching also gives you more flexibility. You will be able to execute exercises comfortably and effectively.

It is advisable that you do repetitive stretching and warm-ups.

Repetition of exercises makes your muscles and joints more enhanced and more adapted to the motion you are executing.

When you are ready to lift weights, you should first work on your larger muscles then the smaller ones. You may then finally go to the muscles that are isolated.

You may execute push-ups that can enhance the upper muscles of the body.

Before doing triceps extension exercises, you should first focus on the larger muscle groups such as the muscle found in your butt.

You may execute exercises like repetitive squatting, box step-ups, and lunges.

You may also work on your quads which are the muscle found on the front thigh.

You may perform repetitive squatting and lunges as well.

You may also use the leg extension machine and the leg press machine for a well-executed exercise.

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You should always remember that you work on the opposite muscles.

Muscles tend to get imbalanced especially if the amounts of exercises you do are not equally distributed.

When performing triceps extension, it is advised that you also do bicep exercises. If you work out on the chest and the stomach area like crunches, it is important that you do back extension exercises to get a balanced upper muscle toning.

Always take a rest after your resistance training workout.

Allow your muscles to cool gradually so that you will not feel any sore or strained muscles.

After the resistance training, you will see that you are more ready and physically fit for many kinds of sports.

Hopefully, this article gives you enough or ample information about the benefits of resistance training. This would motivate you to start this kind of exercise or keep on if you already started doing so.

Likewise, it does not exclude women since resistance training is not only for men. Be safe while doing so and have fun while executing your resistance training routine.

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Why Walking Is An Excellent Low Impact Exercise?

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The great thing about walking for exercise is that you can do it anywhere.  You have absolutely no excuse for not getting up and walking around for at least 30 minutes a day.

So it’s raining out?  Take an umbrella!  Seriously, just get out for a short walk around the block a couple times and you’ll thank yourself for it later.

If it’s absolutely miserable out, just walking around your house or apartment a while is better than nothing.

Walking for exercise is an extremely low impact, and so anyone of any age can do it safely and frequently without worrying about damaging themselves.

Running and other more strenuous forms of exercise can cause all kinds of joint pain and soreness, and isn’t recommended unless you are in otherwise good shape.

A lot of recent studies into different forms of exercise are showing that walking is every bit as good for you as running or other more vigorous exercises, you just need to do it longer.

If you are walking for exercise, go for at least 30 minutes or even an hour.  The more the better, as you can’t hurt yourself by walking too much.

There are a lot of exercise programs that are beginning to realize the benefits of walking for exercise.

As it is something virtually anyone that can walk can do, there is a huge target market for walking programs.

It is recommended, any program that motivates you to walk frequently.  Even without one, there are hiking and walking clubs all over the place to join.

Not only can walking for exercise be a way to maintain good health, but it can be a good way to meet new people and form new networks.

With so many benefits and almost no cons, you can’t go wrong with walking for exercise.  Its only drawback is that it takes time to do, but it is time well spent.

benefits of walking

Get into the habit of walking!

Find ways to include this low impact exercise in your routine. Check some tips below to learn more.

We were designed to walk for miles and miles to hunt and gather our food. Yet, in modern society, we spend most of our time sitting down.  That is not good for our bodies leading to a host of health problems.

This is probably one of the most important reasons to make an effort to move around and go for a walk each day.

If you haven’t exercised in a while or are looking for something easy you can do every single day give walking a try.

Walking is the perfect low impact way to exercise.

It’s easy to do, you don’t need any special equipment and you can start at the fitness level you’re at.

Of course, that’s easier said than done. Most of us sit for our work, we eat sitting down, and to be honest all we want to do when we come home from work is plop down on the couch for a Netflix marathon until bedtime.

In other words, getting and staying in the habit of going for a walk each day can be a bit of a challenge. But that’s exactly what we need to do.

We need to get in the habit of going for that walk just like we’re in the habit of brushing our teeth twice a day or taking out the trash on Tuesdays.

Once it’s a well-ingrained habit, it won’t be as much of a challenge to make sure we go for a walk each day.



If you’re not in the best of shape, start by going for a 10 or 15-minute walk around the neighborhood and work your way up from there.

If you’re already in great shape, walking can still provide an effective workout. Walk fast and incorporate some hills and even stairs.

But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. If you’re like most of us, chances are you haven’t exercised much since you got out of college and need to start small.

Maybe your doctor suggested that you move around more, or maybe you just want to be proactive about your health and well-being. In either case, walking is the perfect way to start.

Find a pair of comfortable shoes, put them on and go for a stroll through your neighborhood.

You could also find a local park with a nice path you can walk on. If the weather doesn’t permit walking outside, head to your local mall and walk or hop on a treadmill.


Another great place to start is to find a walking route you enjoy.

It helps to make it as easy as possible. Your favorite walk may offer beautiful vistas, but if it’s a 30-minute drive there and back, you’ll be less likely to do it every single day.

Instead, save that walk for the weekends and come up with something convenient and pleasant for your everyday walking routine.

If you can, find a route in your own neighborhood so you can leave right from your front door. Just lace up your shoes and start walking.


You can even walk in place at home in front of your TV. Here’s a simple little idea to get you moving more.

As you’re sitting on the couch at night watching TV, get up during commercial breaks and march in place until your favorite TV show comes back on.

If you’re using a service like Netflix, make yourself walk in place for 10 minutes in between episodes.

Or turn on the TV and challenge yourself to march in place during the entire show. Time will fly while you’re having fun watching TV and moving.


walking, exercise

Speaking of having fun, going for a walk outside can be a lot of fun too. Mix up your route and walk in different areas of town, or visit different parks. Invite a friend to come along with you to walk.

It’s always nice to have someone to talk to and having a walking buddy keeps you accountable.

Last but not least, grab your phone or MP3 player and listen to music or audio books as you walk to make the time go by faster.

Listening to your favorite music, podcast or audio-books is also helpful.

It will make the time go by faster and give you something else to look forward to. You can even use your favorite media as a way to bribe yourself to go for your daily walk.

Let’s say you have a couple of podcasts you enjoy. Save them for your walks and only let yourself listen to them while you’re walking. It’s a great incentive to get out there even on days when you’re not feeling it.

Or simply walk to enjoy the natural surroundings.

A better use of walking is to increase one’s sensual awareness, particularly if you are in a natural setting. Use all your senses to gain a greater appreciation of your environment.

Learn to read the countryside with your eyes – the broader canvas painted by  glaciers and erosion, the impact of humans and especially older traces thereof;  the presence of old habitations, field walls and drains, quarries, gravel pits, decaying fence posts, second growth forest.

Watch for animal tracks and signs, listen and try  to identify bird song, the drumming of woodpeckers, the rustle of creatures rummaging in the undergrowth, the sighing of wind through the trees, the first flowers and buds to appear, shapes and patterns in the clouds.

Feel the shape and texture of bark, flowers and leaves (but learn to identify and avoid poison ivy).

Smell the aroma of freshly mown grass, the varying scent of new flowers, the rich scent of different fungi, decaying wood and leaf mold, the warm air from the south, and the cold, crisp air from the north.


Likewise, consider walking with other people. Find a walking group in your area, or talk a friend or neighbor into becoming your walking buddy.

Not only is it more fun to walk when you have someone to talk to, it also has some built-in accountability.

It’s much easier to skip a walking workout when you know that other people are waiting for you and relying on you to join them.

A walk is a great way to share valuable time with family, friends, and colleagues. Rather than always going out on your own, ask someone to join you.

Next time you have meetings why not take it outdoors? You may well find that the fresh air will help you ‘think outside the box’ and inspire greater creativity.

Walking and hiking is an easy way to meet some wonderful people and many clubs offer hikes especially for singles, dog owners and others.

For those seeking to blend a physical challenge with fun, orienteering is the ideal participation sport for young and old.

Called a “thinking sport”, it involves a combination of map reading and decision-making skills. There are levels to suit all ages and skills, in addition to enjoying a great workout.

Walking vacations are becoming an increasingly popular mode of exploration. Rambling through the countryside gets one closer to its heart than any other mode of travel.

Close your eyes awhile and imagine the scent of wild rosemary and sage assailing your nostrils as you brush past these herbs on a trail in France, or the coolness of a mossy glade in an Irish oak wood.

Birds and other wildlife flit around you, while all the while you are absorbing information imparted by your guide on the local history and culture.

Hiking uphill to a castle or a town gives you a greater appreciation for what life might have been like there during the mediaeval period, or why that situation was chosen in the first place.

And your reward? Arriving at a shady tavern for lunch, ordering a cool drink, then sitting and perusing the menu of fresh, locally produced foods.


Exercise for Charity and for Health

There are some ways that you can pick up your efforts with these charities and get a little bit of exercise at the same time.

One of the easiest ways for you to do this is to either take part in or sponsor a walkathon, a form of walking marathon that helps to raise awareness for the charity and to make some money for it at the same time.

Although these can be set for any length, they often go for 10 miles or more, a distance that will give you an excellent amount of exercise.

By taking the lead in one of these charitable events, you will help to keep yourself motivated and may motivate many others to get out there and exercise a little bit.

Another way that you can benefit from one of these charitable events is by making sure that you are ready for the effort that you will need to put forth.

Some people who realize that they’re going to have to walk these long distances make sure that they walk on a regular basis ahead of time so that they are physically fit.

This is one of the best motivational techniques that you can have at your side and will surely help you to make sure that you are walking, whether it is for your health or for the health of others.

Wrapping Up

Give these tips a try and see if they help you make walking a daily habit and an integral part of your health, your fitness, and your life.

The main thing is that you get out there, move around, and get some exercise in a way that’s gentle on your joints, your heart, and the rest of your body and that’s what walking will do for you.

Just give it a try and see if you don’t start to feel better, happier, and stronger after a few weeks of regular walks.

Taking the same route every day helps form that habit. It’s also encouraging to notice that you can walk the same loop faster or with less effort over time.

It proves that you’re making a difference, getting stronger and increasingly in shape.

Walking is not only one of the most convenient exercises that can be done. It is also one of the most effective.

If you can somehow find the time to put in a half hour every day in the mornings and a half hour in the evenings, your health will be drastically changed in a months’ time.

Give it a try, you have nothing to lose but some fat.







What Equipment To Use In Your Home Gym?

equipment for home gym

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Are you planning to build a home gym? Find out some concerns and what equipment you could use.

There are a few things to consider when building a home gym. Depending on your needs, you really don’t have to go to extremes.

A home gym can simply include a couple of pieces of equipment or it can be an elaborate set-up. All of this depends on your own needs, your budget, space, and how you plan to workout.

Before going to the equipment, let us start first with the basics. Check first the different factors in building one.

What to consider in building a home gym?


Here are the basic categories for gym equipment that cover the gamut of workout goals and allow you to do three main types of workouts.

– Cardio equipment

– Strength training equipment

– Balance and stability equipment

All three types of fitness workouts are necessary for you to achieve good health.

Space Requirement

Consider building your own home gym if you have the space to spare.  Gym equipment needs space.

You cannot put your home gym in the living room or in the bedroom.

So, be sure you have a quiet and private space where you can concentrate on doing your exercises free from distressing phone calls and shielded from the view of prying neighbors.

A basement is a wonderful option, a garage works as well if you do not plan to park your car there. Also, a spare bedroom can make a great area for it as well.


Consider building your own home gym if you are the kind who is self-motivated and self-initiating.

If you are the type who prefers to exercise with a group to feel competitive and motivated, then going to a gym with your friends is probably for you.

But, if you are the type who can do research online and plan the best workout routine for yourself and then implement it (in other words, if you have the capacity to be your own personal trainer) or you are an experienced fitness buff then the home gym idea is definitely for you.

If you’ve had an exercise bike for ten years and it has worked well for you as a hamper or as a place to hang your coat and other winter gear.

Then, it would be best for you to go to a gym and work with a personal trainer.

Check Your Health

Consider building your own home gym ONLY after you have gotten a thorough physical check-up and your workout plans are cleared by your physician.

Workouts at any level may strain you if you have un-diagnosed medical conditions.

Besides, even the most moderate forms of exercise may expose you to injury if you do not know which areas of your body are at risk for injury.

For example, people who have osteoporosis are the ones most in need of strength training, but they might prefer cardio and run the risk of fractures when they run for thirty minutes on a treadmill.

After going through all the considerations, now let’s go to the acquisition of the gym equipment to use at home.


What Equipment to Buy? 

Cardio Equipment

There is a wide variety of equipment to choose from under the cardio category.

You can buy used, but, this is probably best reserved for very high-end equipment that you cannot afford brand new.

There are a lot of options in affordable, but, quality products that you can find online and even in stores.



Treadmills are probably the most popular machines to have at home. They can provide a wide range of intensity in workouts, and can allow you to run, walk and even sprint.

Many models offer to incline settings as well. Most will track progress, calories burned and heart rate and have a program in place to reach such targets.

Some of the more sophisticated models offer cool features like pre-set routes and large screens that show a type of virtual reality scenery as you run or walk.


  • Good for all fitness levels.
  • Great for heart health and fat burning.
  • Grows with you as get more fit.
  • Ideal for various fitness levels so suitable for multiple family members.


  • High impact workout.
  • Bulky and needs space to house it.
  • Does not offer a full body workout.
  • The better models will be costly.


Elliptical Cross Trainers

Elliptical trainers are another good option and differ from treadmills in that they offer a low impact cardio workout.

The machine mimics running movements, without a big impact on joints, such as the knees.


  • Good for all fitness levels.
  • A wide range of intensity levels.
  • Grows with you as get more fit.
  • Ideal for various fitness levels.
  • Low impact workout.


  • Bulky and needs space to house it.
  • The better models will be costly.




Steppers are machines that imitate the climbing of stairs. These offer an intense workout that can work multiple leg muscles.

There are two types to choose from, stair climbers and stair steppers. The climber provides a full body workout because it includes an arms module.

Steppers only engage the legs and do not have moveable arms.

Various motions and settings can be used to train the quadriceps or the hamstrings and glutes in addition to the quadriceps, while at the same time quickly increasing the heart rate and providing a great cardio workout.


  • Ideal for beginner, intermediate and advanced fitness levels
  • Full body workout on stair climber models that have moveable handles (mimics rock climbing)
  • Wide range of workouts, with various intensity levels
  • Grows with you as get more fit


  • Depending on the model, steppers can be bulky and will need space, but, less space. than treadmills or even some exercise bikes.
  • The better models will be costly.
  • Not a full body workout on stair stepper
  • Hard on the knees, so not a good option for those with knee conditions.

 stationary bikes


Stationary Bikes

There are two types of stationary bikes, upright and recumbent. Both provide a low impact workout.

The upright bike offers the feel of a regular bike while the recumbent models have a comfortable seat with chair-like seating that offers back support.

The recumbent models are even more low impact due to the seat back design, and remove pressure from the legs and ankles.

Bikes range from very simple and low-cost models to very sophisticated higher end varieties that have a lot more features.


  • Good for all fitness levels.
  • Depending on the mode, you can get a wide range of workouts, with various intensity levels.
  • Can grow with you as get more fit, again depends on the sophistication level of the model.
  • There are smaller more compact models to fit smaller spaces.


  • Some models can be bulky.
  • The better models will be costly.
  • Not a full body workoutR


Rowing Machine

Rowing machines can really turn up the heat because they are a full body workout, but, with very little stress on leg joints and knees.


  • Good for all fitness levels.
  • Full body workout.
  • Intense fat burning.
  • Can grow with you as get more fit.
  • Ideal for beginner, intermediate and advanced fitness levels
  • Some models are compact so, they take up less space than other cardio equipment.


  • Sophisticated models can be costly
Other Cardio Options

If you want to skip the equipment you can always place a television and Blu-Ray player in your home gym and use the multitude of workout programs on DVD to get your cardio and aerobic workouts.

There are so many choices, including, aerobics, step aerobics, HIIT, Tabata and combo workouts, like Insanity and P90X.

There are also fitness jump ropes that can provide a great cardio charge to your exercise regimen.

gym equipment

Strength Training Equipment

There is a wide range of equipment under the strength training category. When you are setting up a home gym the type of equipment you choose should depend on your overall fitness goals.

For example, if you are a bodybuilder you will need a wider range of weights and equipment to meet these goals, likely you will want to choose a large set of free weights, and  good weight benches.

If you simply want to tone muscles and build lean muscle mass, you can opt for a home gym unit that provides options to work various parts of the body in a machine format or get a set of free weights.

It is also important to consider the space you have to work with. With you all you have to choose from in strength training equipment, there really is something for everyone.

Equipment options to consider:

  • Home Gyms
  • Benches
  • Barbells and Weight Plates
  • Dumbbells
  • Kettlebells
  • Medicine Balls
  • Weight Bars
  • Weight Racks
  • Power Towers
  • Pull Up Bars
  • Push Up Bars
  • Inversion Trainers
  • Core and Ab Trainers
  • Smith Machines
  • Dip Stands
  • Punching Bag and Gloves
  • Wrist Weights
  • Weight Vests
  • Resistance Bands

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Balance And Stability Equipment

Balance exercises are an important element of an overall fitness plan, and getting some balance equipment for your home gym is always a good idea.

This type of equipment is very affordable, useful and allows one to perform a variety of exercises, including a plethora of core strengthening workouts that will serve your health in numerous ways.

Equipment options to consider:

  • Exercise Balls
  • Balance Boards
  • Bosu Balls
  • Foam Rollers
  • Swiss Balls
Other Equipment
  • Floor Mats
  • Plyometric Boxes
  • Weight Training Gloves
  • Cooler or Mini Fridge For Hydration
  • Gym Towels
  • Tracking gadgets

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Tips For Buying Equipment

1. You don’t have to buy brand new.

Look for gyms in the neighborhood that are closing down and ask about purchasing some of their equipment.

Check out eBay where you can do a “local only” search to find deals near you, your local paper  for used gym equipment.

2. Check out the equipment before purchasing.

Try them out and test for any issues when buying used. When buying new it’s also a good idea to go to the store and get a feel for the equipment. Read online reviews.

If the weights are detachable, then learn how to attach and detach the different weight discs to the bar before purchasing it to keep your frustration from overriding your motivation.

Don’t be afraid to get on the treadmill and walk on it – tinker with the controls and ask for after-sales maintenance.

3. Exercise equipment will be useless if you don’t have a plan.

So, you can either formulate your own plan or, you can buy an exercise video.  It will be easy to follow especially since you have the equipment that is used in the video.

You will also be able to time yourself.  Usually, exercise videos are timed so that you can do warm-ups and stretching, workout using a set type of routine for a few minutes, cool down and rest before starting on the next set.

Also, when you finish with the exercise routine in the video, you can be sure that you have had at least an hour of exercise.

4. Make sure that along with the equipment, you also have the gear.

There is a good quality pair of shoes to protect your feet when you walk or run on the treadmill, a non-slip mat if you are going to do yoga-type exercises for warm-ups and stretching.

If your heart rate and blood pressure are an issue for you, then you must also have a blood pressure monitor handy so that you can check your blood pressure before, during and after your workout.

If blood sugar is an issue for you, then you must also keep a glucose monitor handy so that you can check your sugar levels before and after your workout.

5. Keep a whiteboard or chalkboard so that you can keep track of your progress.

For instance, you can note down the mileages when you do your cardio so that you can provide yourself with motivation do walk farther or walk the same number of miles while shaving off a few minutes.

Being able to walk or run longer means your endurance is improving; while being able to walk or run faster means that your strength is building up.  Competing against yourself is the best kind of motivation.

Wrapping Up

Hence, you find some considerations in building a home gym and what possible apparatus you could use, informational in some way.

It gives you an overview and some options of gym equipment that you might need.

Imagine what it would be like to do some exercise and fitness training in your home gym according to your needs, abilities, and personal taste.

Share this to the people in your circle who are planning to have one.

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Why You Should Choose Metabolic Conditioning Workout or HIIT?


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Metabolic conditioning workouts are also referred to as High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that teach the body to access energy stores effectively during and after a workout.

The exercise time splits up into short bursts of intensive exercise followed by rest periods. The idea is to quickly increase your heart rate then to rest for a period.

These workouts include lifting moderate to heavy weights or performing calisthenics in sets with targeted timed recovery breaks.

This style of exercise elevates the heart rate quickly, adding a cardio component to the strength training regimen and causes the body to burn fat rapidly.


How Metabolic Workouts Work?

The body accesses energy based on the activity being performed. There are rapid, moderate, and slow energy burning modes within the metabolism. Metabolic Conditioning activates them synchronically to maximize caloric burn.

Quick Energy

Power exercises, which are performed quickly, 10 seconds or less, utilize the creatine phosphate pathway to supply the body’s energy needs.

Directing a lot of energy quickly to perform this type of exercise, for example, a power lift, like the clean and jerk, is very demanding.

The intensity of the activity requires a longer recovery time of about three to five minutes.


Moderate Burn

Intense activities of short duration, one to four minutes, access the glycolytic pathway.

Examples of activities, which activate this energy pathway, are lifting weights and running 400m to 800m.

Recovery time for this energy pathway is one to three minutes.

Slow Burn

The aerobic energy pathway is the one most discussed and best understood by the average person. It supports activities of easy to moderate intensity.

This energy pathway draws on stored fat cells to fuel the body’s activities. It can engage for hours.

The rich fuel source of this energy pathway, fat cells, means its recovery time measured in seconds.

The variety  of exercises involved in a Metabolic Conditioning workout, the level of intensity applied to them and the duration of recovery  periods determines which energy pathway becomes activated.

The objective of the exercises in a given session also determines the recovery period allowed for each exercise.

For example, doing bicep curls with a low weight but high repetitions will access the aerobic or slow burn pathway.

Since the objective of this type of workout is to keep the body in an adaptive mode, all of the energy pathways become engaged at some point during the workout.

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HIIT: Fat Burning

Studies have shown that interval training offers higher fat burning and weight loss than normal, slow cardio.

In fact, not only does interval training work better for fat burning, but the interval training workouts are much shorter and require far less workout time than normal cardio workouts.

However, many are reluctant to switch from ineffective cardio to fat burning intervals as according to exercise machines (which are not even 100% accurate), higher amount of calories is burned with the old way.

They are also hung-up on the marathon mentality of always having an elevated heart-rate, which they think is the most important component of a fat burning workout. But that is not true.

Instead, the most important workout factor is how much “WORK” is done. If you increase the intensity of the work, as you do in interval training, then you will do more work and put more stress on the muscles.

Heart rate goes up and then comes way back down during recovery. By doing so, more fat is burned.

What one should know is that the heart rate need not stay constant for 30 minutes for that to happen.

One of the biggest problems many have with interval training is that they do not rest enough during the recovery period.

Because they are addicted to an elevated heart rate, they skimp on the recovery, by either exercising too hard or recovering too little.

This leads to a decrease in the intensity used in the work interval and that might lead to less total work or total fat burning done in that session.

Therefore, the quality and intensity of the work interval should play important role when doing interval training.

This is to say the only time exercising is mainly done during the work interval.

On the other hand, during the recovery interval, one should go as slow as possible without stopping.

This allows your heart rate to recover and for you to be prepared to work really hard in your next work interval.

So, an interval training workout is a time of extremes. You should be going at an 8/10 or 9/10 intensity level in the work interval, and dropping down to a 3/10 in the recovery period.

To give you a perspective, a normal 30 minute cardio workout would be considered a 6/10 intensity level. Try it out yourself!

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Results of HIIT

Metabolic Conditioning workouts can be crafted to maximize desired outcomes: weight loss and fat burning, muscle growth, improved speed, power or endurance.

They also provide faster results, because they apply knowledge of the body’s energy systems strategically.

Work and rest ratios should be applied to ensure the desired results.

Objective: Improve power

Focus: creatine phosphate pathway

Work to rest ratio: 1:10


Objective: Improve sports performance

Focus: creatine phosphate pathway

Work to rest ratio: 1:2


Objective: Improve endurance performance

Focus: aerobic pathway

Work to rest ratio: 4:1


Objective: Burn body fat

Focus: targets the creatine phosphate and aerobic pathways

Work to rest ratio: 1:2 and 3:1 workouts each performed once a week

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Creating HIIT Workout

Creating a workout is pretty straightforward. For example, weighted squats for power performance would be performed for 10 seconds followed by 1.5 to 2 minutes of rest.

Three more power-building exercises, plyometric jumps, broad jumps and plyometric push-ups, would follow to form a circuit.

Each of the exercises would be completed with the same work to rest ratio.

One set of all exercises included in a session forms a circuit. The circuit is usually completed 3 to 4 times.


Implementing Metabolic Conditioning Workouts

Metabolic Conditioning must be done at least two to three times per week to see results.

This approach to exercise activates all three of the body’s energetic pathways during one workout. It is this component of the workout, which makes it so effective.

In addition, the post workout calorie burns associated with these types of workouts last up to 36 hours following exercise and that is what makes this type of workout routine one of the best choices for burning fat.

The workout needs to include 3 to 4 exercises performed in sets based on time intervals with energy pathway based recovery times.

These are intensive workouts and not ideal for beginners who should take care and work up to the fitness level required to perform them.

It is also important to check with your doctor before starting this type of fitness routine.

While they are intensive, their effectiveness and results they provide from very short sessions of exercise make the effort totally worthwhile.

Sample workouts are widely available in fitness forums, online, on workout DVDs, and in magazines.

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Benefits of Metabolic Workouts or HIIT

Recent studies are showing that when it comes to fitness maintenance, less can surely be more.

1. HIIT helps the body reach its maximum capability.

This is not something easily achieved by long exercise periods.

A short burst of exercise gets the heart rate increased to a higher intensity and stimulates the body in ways that can’t be achieved by ‘regular’ exercising.

Therefore, these exercise periods of short bursts of intense exercise can be done by almost everyone and doesn’t necessarily require special equipment or a gym membership.

2. HIIT helps burn fat

Running on a treadmill will burn fat. However, the lower intensity, which the body is working at, doesn’t have the metabolic benefits of short bursts of exercise.

When you have an intense burst of exercise you create an oxygen debt. The body will have to use energy to recover from this and this happens during the rest period.

Therefore, you keep burning fat when you are resting. This also increases the body’s metabolism.

All exercising increases the levels of the hormone cortisol. What cortisol does in the body is to break down muscle and stall fat loss.

Thus, although you are burning energy, you aren’t necessarily losing a lot of fat.

Unlike regular exercising, short bursts of exercise raise muscle-building hormones (anabolic) and human growth hormones resulting in more fat burned compared with regular exercising.

Therefore, short bursts of exercise together with rest periods boost the body’s immunity, reduce inflammation, and stimulate fat burning properties.

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3. HIIT improves heart health

A study on teenagers in England found that short bursts of exercise could help reduce the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes in later life.

It showed improvements in how the brain controls heartbeats and in the function of blood vessels. In adults, it was noted that heart structure was improved.

4. HIIT helps Type 2 Diabetes

Many studies now show that High-Intensity Interval Training helps type 2 diabetes suffers to control blood sugar more effectively than ‘traditional’ exercising.

One study in Canada reported that participants over a three month period subject to HIIT regime showed a larger reduction in cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Their heart health was better and in general lost more weight.

It was also noted that it was easier for people to incorporate a high-intensity exercising schedule into their weekly routine and therefore were more willing to continue the exercise program.

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5. HIIT helps fit in your busy schedule

It seems from various studies that even shorter ‘burst exercise’ periods of under a minute or so can also have significant health benefits. This means that most people will be able to fit HIIT into their schedule.

For many it is also a more enjoyable form of exercise.

Endurance exercise – running for half an hour or so on a treadmill can be physically and mentally draining for many.

Others just don’t have the time to go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week.

Some have used the excuse that they’ve “no time for exercise.”

Studies into the benefits of short bursts of exercise have shown the all find the time to keep them fit and healthy.

Numbers 2 and 5 are good enough for me, how about you?

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Which One: High Intensity or Low Intensity Workout?

high intensity or low intensity workouts

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What are your workout routines and what are their results so far? It is beneficial to check your actual workouts and your progress with those.

When you are still starting or reworking your exercise program, consider the intensity level.

Both high intensity and low-intensity workouts have their advantages. It all depends on what your fitness goals are.

Now let’s make some comparison between low-intensity workouts with high-intensity workouts.

Hopefully, this helps in finding what will be your focus in your exercise program.

High Intensity

This is the most popular type of exercise these days because it gives more results in less time.

We are all hard pressed for time nowadays and many would rather get their workout done and over with so they can move on to their many other responsibilities.

High intensity burns more calories because you reach about 75% or your maximum heart rate as opposed to only 50% of your maximum heart during low-intensity workouts.

Your metabolism will be really pumping and you will continue to burn more calories after completing high-intensity workouts.

You also burn more calories from fat per minute than you would do a low-intensity workout.


If your goal is to burn fat, gain strength, and do it in less time, high-intensity workouts the right choice for you.


It should be noted that high-intensity workouts should not be overdone as it could be very taxing on the body and cause a burnout.

It is best to perform high-intensity workouts within 20 to 30 minutes and not beyond an hour.

Examples of high-intensity workouts are sprinting, interval training with bodyweight exercises and plyometrics.

Read here about HIIT for more information:

Low Intensity

Low-intensity workouts are more traditional but don’t provide as many results as high-intensity workouts. That’s not to say that low-intensity workouts are a waste of time.

Many people enjoy a low-intensity workout and have the time to dedicate to it and there is nothing wrong with that. Some find that a low-intensity workout is much more stress relieving.

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Although it takes much more time to get the results you would see from high-intensity workouts, you can still burn fat with low-intensity workouts. In fact, it is the best workout for certain cases.

The elderly usually can’t do high-intensity workouts but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to get in their cardio. Low-intensity workouts allow them to stay fit and healthy without the risk of injury.

What about those who already have injuries? They can’t perform a high-intensity workout either. Again, low-intensity workouts are good for them.

Also, there are fitness professionals who are trying to lose that last inch of fat without losing any muscle.

They are eating a very strict low-calorie diet and wouldn’t want to do high-intensity workouts as this would deplete their muscle mass.

So, they perform low-intensity workouts to get rid of fat without losing precious muscle.

Examples of low-intensity workouts are: jogging on a trail or treadmill, simple cycling, elliptical machines without intervals, or water aerobics.

How about a combination of high intensity and low intensity exercises?

Here’s an example of doing so and why it is a successful recipe.

How to Incorporate Yoga to Your HIIT Fitness Routine

As a fitness buff and a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) practitioner, incorporating yoga to your regular routine is truly one of the best ways to add more spice and variety to your practice.

While most people think that yoga and HIIT are worlds apart, and incomparable, incorporating them can only lead to positive gains in your fitness and overall health.

Mixing up fitness routines prevents burnout. It also allows for the use of muscles that aren’t often used in the usual HIIT routine.

Plus, yoga helps build muscles in the upper body, thanks to its challenging strengthening poses.

As a matter of fact, even the most experienced bodybuilders will find it difficult to execute some of strengthening poses of this ancient art.

The Benefits of Adding Yoga to Your Fitness Routine

As you combine yoga with your HIIT routine, you get to enjoy the best of both worlds. In yoga, practitioners get to enjoy a plethora of health benefits, including weight loss, stress reduction, flexibility and increased fitness.

Not to mention, yoga helps manage chronic conditions, such as sleep problems, depression, anxiety, and pain.

HIIT, on the other hand, results in overall improvement in physique, toned muscles, better bone density, prevention of muscle loss, and flexibility in joints.

Of course, it also helps weight management because it burns more fat than any other cardio workout.

Yoga is a low-impact and effective way to lose a few calories during your non-HIIT days, without compromising your recovery.

In addition, this ancient art helps prevent injuries from your intense HIIT workouts.

With yoga, you are flushing out excess lactic acid in your over-worked muscles, helping you reduce your chances of experiencing stiffness and soreness that can make your next HIIT workout a lot more challenging.

Yoga, ultimately, draws oxygen into your muscles, allowing them to perform in a more efficient manner as well as become stronger.

The Ideal Yoga Style to Pair with Your HIIT Program

As with HIIT, yoga comes in a variety of styles and form. As expected, each yoga style or discipline has its own specific goals.

There are some yoga styles that are tailored for those who want to build strength, while others are designed for stretching, meditation, and relaxation.

But in this case, you should stay away from Vinyasa style and other power yoga styles, as it can stunt muscle growth.

Furthermore, combining these yoga styles with your HIIT routine can make it difficult for your tissues to recover.

Just imagine doing a power yoga session the day after a vigorous full-body HIIT workout with dumbbells and kettlebells.  Your body may not have enough energy to execute the demanding flows of Vinyasa.

However, if you opt for a lighter style of yoga, then this ancient practice can be a great complementary restorative workout for your HIIT program.

Hatha Yoga and HIIT: A Winning Combination

The best yoga style you can pair with your regular routine is Hatha. Founded in India more than five centuries ago, Hatha is a gentle, slow-paced yoga style that is focused on meditation and breathing.

With Hatha, you get to improve breathing, relieve stress and stretch out fatigue muscles. Moreover, it introduces you to the relaxation techniques and basic poses of yoga.


As a form of active recovery, yoga can be practiced during your off days, when you are not doing any cardio workouts and intense exercises.

A good and relaxing yoga session will only take thirty minutes to an hour.

It is also possible to practice yoga after an exhaustive workout.  It’s good for stretching, cooling down, and restoring the body to its normal functions.

In this case, yoga can help balance your energy after a stimulating activity like a full-body HIIT workout.

Can You Handle It?

Anyone who regularly participates in HIIT workouts can pretty much handle anything.

High-Intensity Interval Training is one of the most intense workouts in fitness, and Hatha yoga in comparison is like taking a nap, at least as far as exertion and endurance are concerned, though the poses are no cake walk.

Learn the proper way to do Hatha yoga by taking a class with a qualified instructor or by purchasing any one of the great Hatha Yoga workout programs on DVD, like Hatha Yoga on the Forgotten Coast or Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga For Beginners, both available on Amazon.

It is important to learn the proper techniques for the poses and breathing exercises to get the most out of incorporating yoga into your HIIT fitness lifestyle.

Now, which do you think you would benefit from?

Many would choose to do high-intensity workouts for the best results, but understandably there are some who would say that low intensity is all they can handle.

Even if the high intensity is your workout of choice, there may be days where you don’t feel up to a hard workout but getting in anything is better than nothing. This is when low-intensity workouts will come in handy.

Therefore, you can be flexible in having both or in mixing up your exercise routines.

Whether you choose high intensity or low intensity, consistency is the key. Any workout program that you follow regularly will serve you in promoting good health, healthy weight management, and effective weight management.

How about a combination of high intensity and low-intensity exercises? Here’s an example of doing so and why it is a successful recipe.

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Need Help to Keep your Exercise Routine?

Do you need some motivation to keep on your exercise routine? Definitely, hypnosis might able to help you on that matter. Listen to the exercise motivation hypnosis below and grab a copy of this free hypnosis as well.

But before that, I would like to remind you to persist through failure if you want to commit to losing weight. Those who accomplished something have struggled with failure along the way. They persisted through it and learned a lesson. These are the two keys in dealing with failure.

If you slip on your diet or miss a day of exercise, don’t fret about it.  Don’t let it derail you.  Push it from your mind.  Focus on all your positive days, not the one slip up.

Treat it as a cheat day and move on.  This is how you persist. Failing for a day is fine. Just don’t let that day stretch into a week and then a month. Accept failures as natural and develop a tougher skin to deal with them.

The second step is to learn from your mistakes.  Usually, learning from mistakes makes one more efficient. It is more effective than learning from successes. Remember to treat it as a lesson when you fail.

It is just like in business when you fail at something, you learn the things that don’t work.  This is the same with weight loss.

If you have slipped off your new diet every time you drink, then maybe you avoid drinking.  If you realize that every Friday you miss out on exercise because of a late work meeting then reschedule your workout.

Failure is a natural part of life, along with death and taxes.  You can’t avoid it, and even if you could you wouldn’t want to.

Your life’s lessons are learned through your failures along with your successes.  Don’t fear failure, persist through and learn from it.

Along with many challenges when trying to lose weight, are you having a hard time sustaining some workout routine?

Here’s a simple trick that you can do. It only requires 18 minutes of your time each day. Relax your body and focus your mind.

Listen to this exercise motivation hypnosis.

Of course, I provide you the download link for free and store it on your device for you to access this and start conditioning your mind to love workouts.

Download free exercise motivation hypnosis.


Here are other posts for healthy eating habits and stop snacking hypnosis.

15 Benefits of Exercise – Beyond Losing Weight

benefits of exercise

There is a continuous argument, whether food or exercise is the essential component for effective weight loss. Most say both of them are but let me add that the order of doing so matters.

Although burning a lot of calories than your body needs can a way to weight loss, start first with having a healthy eating diet. If your eating pattern is already fixed, attack the fats with workouts.

Have you ever known someone who can eat precisely what you eat, or more, and appear to never work out, yet they appear to have some secret to be in shape? Perhaps they do.

Whatever the odds, their bodies are essentially more effective at burning off calories. It is commonly known as ‘high metabolism’.

For those who don’t have this, there is still another way around to lose weight and one of this is through exercise.

Check out below the benefits you can get from exercise to give you more reason for it to be part of your weight loss regimen.

exercise benefits

1. Burns Calories

Exercise pushes extra weight and maintains weight loss. When you take part in physical activity, you burn calories.

Get more active throughout the day if you don’t have time to set aside for an exercise routine like climbing stairs, running bicycling or brisk walking.

The more vigorous the exercise, the more calories you drop off.




2. Build Muscle

There are some exercises that are tailored at building muscles. Any type of resistance will expand your muscles. This makes a difference because muscles consume more calories than fat.


3. Improves Health

Getting started to exercise might not that easy for some. But as you start to get your feet wet and exercise more, you will begin to feel better and comfortable with it.

As hard at may believe but trust me on this, you will begin to look forward to your workout schedule.


4. Lessen Stress

Need an enthusiastic lift? Need to vent out frustration and distress?

A brisk 30-minute walk or a workout routine can be your reliever. Brain chemicals that make you happy and relax are stimulated in your brain while exercising.

5. Boosts Energy

Continuous physical activity can enhance your muscle strength and help your stamina.

Exercise carries oxygen and supplements to your tissues and offers your cardiovascular framework some help to function more proficiently.



6. Better Sleep

Having a hard time going to bed or getting sleep? Exercise can help you sleep faster and aids you to deepen your sleep. Just don’t do it before bedtime so that you will not be excessively stimulated.




7. Sparkles Intimacy

You feel empowered and look better through consistent exercise. However, there’s a whole other world to it than that. For women, it can enhance arousal and for men, lessen problem with erectile dysfunction.



8. Gives Happiness

Exercise can be an enjoyable approach to spending your time and energy. It allows you to loosen up, appreciate the outdoors or just participate in activities that make you glad.

Connect with your family and friends through exercising, joining some dance class, hiking, running, swimming or playing sports.

Look for fun physical activities that you enjoy doing and try something new if you get bored.




9. Benefits the Brain

Exercise is healthy for your brain because it increases the blood pumped. Studies show that it lessens cognitive impairment.



10. Prevents Osteoporosis

Different kinds of exercise can avert osteoporosis and fracture risk. Including thinning of bones and falls that are connected with breaks of the hip, spine, and wrist.




11. Healthier Digestion

The absence of exercise can be a contributing factor for constipation. It improves numerous variables that are indirectly advantageous like hydration and better dietary intake.




12. Decreased Stroke Risk

Hypertension and coronary illness are the two most serious risks for strokes. The advantages of strong heart and better circulation from exercise are vital.



13. Better Skin

Exercise increases blood flow through the oxygen and nutrients carried by the cells through the body while waste items are moved out. It is a cleansing process that leads to better skin.


14. Cut Cancer Risk

Through exercise, it can enhance profiles of hormones, the status of cardio-respiratory, maintenance of weight and metabolic impacts. It has also some beneficial effects on the immune system that spot and destroy cancer cells.



15. Controls Addiction

Exercise can help in recuperating from addiction. It can likewise distract drug or alcohol addicts to de-prioritize their longings. It can also help reboot the body clock disrupted by alcohol abuse.


Bonus Tip: Tap into creativity

Most people end a tough workout with a hot shower, but maybe you should be breaking out the colored pencils instead.

A heart-pumping gym session can boost creativity for up to two hours afterward. Supercharge post-workout inspiration by exercising outdoors and interacting with nature

Many things happen to the body when it doesn’t get enough exercise. Unfortunately, it goes way beyond gaining weight.

It’s important to remember that even a little bit of exercise is better than no exercise at all. Continue reading to learn more about the dangers of inactivity. No one is immune!


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What Happens To The Body When It Doesn’t Get Enough Exercise

Energy Levels

Mitochondria are energy-producing structures, which live in the cells of body tissues, organs, and muscles.

These amazing little structures need carbohydrates and oxygen to work properly. Since mitochondria are required for all bodily functions and movement, you definitely can’t live without them.

Mitochondria levels drop when your heart isn’t working at its full potential and your oxygen levels are diminished, due to lack of exercise.

Fatigue occurs when energy production is slowed down and the body requires the same amount of energy to get work done.

Bone Issues

Bones love a workout, almost as much as they love calcium. The lack of weight-bearing exercise causes bones to lose density and the ability to properly store calcium.

Less calcium in your bones means more of a mineral build up in organs such as your kidneys, the cause of kidney stones.

If the period of inactivity is long enough bones eventually began to weaken. This oftentimes results in osteoporosis, which leads to a much higher risk of painful bone fractures.


Muscle Problems

Just like bones, muscles benefit from a good workout. One of the first signs of being out of shape, due to inactivity, is the loss of strength and muscle tone.

When muscles are idle, blood flow slows down and the exchange of waste products and nutrients decreases. Less mitochondria result in the lack of muscle coordination.

Without exercise, the “electrical” connection between your nerves and muscles is sporadic at best. How does this affect you?

You’ll typically find it more difficult to move around with the agility that you once could. It can also mean decreased strength and an increased risk of muscle injury, because of shrinking muscle mass.


Heart-Related Difficulties

Whatever your age, it’s important to keep your heart as healthy as possible. Even though your heart muscle is different from your skeletal muscles, the same health-related principles apply.

Without proper exercise, the heart muscle shrinks.

This makes it difficult to adequately distribute blood throughout the body and causes the heart to work much harder to get the blood to where it actually needs to go, especially in your hands and feet.

Sluggish blood flow can lead to plaque formation in the blood vessels. This, in turn, sometimes causes high blood pressure, dizziness and circulation problems.

All of these conditions are potentially dangerous if left untreated.

As you can see, inactivity causes havoc in and damage to your body. This is especially true for individuals who already deal with chronic conditions because it typically only makes things worse.

In many cases, periods of inactivity are inevitable. But, the sooner you can participate in even a light exercise regimen, the better off your mind and your body will be.

The advantages of exercise are evident. Yet as previously specified, keep on controlling what you eat. Eat the right portion.

Eat slowly for your brain gets the signal that you are full. These helps in your weight loss and fuels your workout activities.

Losing weight doesn’t have to be intricate. Keep it fun and simple by combining exercise and eating healthy food.

The list of benefits of exercise for your health and losing weight gives you more push to move right now!

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7 Simple Workout Routines You Can Easily Include In Your Fitness Program

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Are you having some workout at home or doing workouts without gym equipment?

These simple exercises at home are probably familiar to you but the classic exercises are just that for a reason – they work and they are easy.

These workouts are low impact enough that you can do it daily or every other day, but that is up to you.  The more you do it the better the results.

If you want to make any of these exercises more challenging, simply raise the reps or sets. A rep is doing the exercise once while a set is a number of those reps.

You can also add weights to make some of the exercises tougher.

Calories burned are approximated and can swing wildly depending on things like current weight and other circumstances.

power walks

1. Power Walk

This is one of the easiest activities to add to your daily routine.

Barring a disability, most of us walk daily. We have grown up walking, jogging and running.  Most times people start exercising by walking and or running.  That is often the only exercise people do.

This is easy and effective. You can do this inside on a treadmill, but it is much better if done outside.  The varied terrain and wind resistance will make for a better exercise.  It is also mentally soothing to go for a walk outside.

This is not a casual stroll, though. Keep your pace up on this walk. If power walk is too tame for you, you can also jog or run.

Steps & Tips

  • In power walking, posture counts. Stand up straight as possible. This will allow all your muscles through the core to work together and it will help you walk faster.
  • Look up and relax your shoulders.
  • Walk with your arms close to the body and 90-degree angle at the elbow.
  • Stride forward at a brisk pace you can handle, your heel should be striking the ground first.
  • Wear firm soled comfortable shoes. Power walking shoes are preferred.

Duration: 20 Minutes

Calories Burned: ~300

2. Triangle Push-Up

The triangle push up is a variation of the push up most of us is familiar with. This simple variation will work more muscles in your upper body.

I would do this exercise after the power walk personally.  The power walk will have your blood flowing and make you more receptive to this muscle building exercise.

This push up is just like the normal push up except that you bring your hands in so your thumbs and pointer fingers are forming a triangle.

Steps & Tips

  • Kneel down. Place your hands on the floor and position them below your chest with your thumbs and pointer fingers close enough to form a triangle.
  • Stretch out into normal push up position, parallel to the ground.
  • Lower yourself down near ground level and then push yourself up again to complete one push up.
  • If you cannot complete this motion, then you can keep your knees on the ground until you have built up enough arm strength to do the full version.
  • To complete a full set do 10 push-ups with no break in between.
  • Do three of these sets.

Duration: 3 Sets of 10

Calories Burned: ~75


3. The Curl-Up

This exercise is based on the sit-up which is one of the first exercises you will learn along with running and push ups.  This exercise burns calories while working the abdominal and other core muscles.

This exercise is slightly different than a sit-up or crunch.  Some studies have shown it causes less impact on the lower back.  The exercise is essentially a crunch, but the arms stay at the side of the body.  This is to protect the neck and back muscles.

One rep is a curl up and then back down onto the mat.

Steps & Tips

  • Lie down on your back, if you have an exercise or yoga mat, use that.
  • Place your hands at your sides, arms straight forward and on the mat or ground.
  • Contract your abs. Curl up as if you were doing a crunch moving your hands along the ground towards your heels.  Keep your head up.
  • Return to the starting point and that is one rep.

Duration: 3 Sets of 10

Calories Burned: ~75

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4. Shadow Boxing

It is estimated that people are 38% more likely to stick with a new exercise if they find it fun or enjoyable.  It makes sense that you would find it easier to do a task that you actually find fun.

It is not just for combat sports enthusiasts either.  Shadow boxing is a good aerobic workout, easy to do and somewhat therapeutic. This exercise not only works your body, it can help soothe your mind.

It provides a great outlet for your day’s frustrations.

If you want to up the resistance in the exercise and make it more challenging you can add weights to your hands, or use a heavy bag with boxing gloves.

Steps & Tips

  • The great thing about shadow boxing is it isn’t as form dependent as other exercises.
  • Stand comfortably. Hold your hands up, making a tight fist with your thumb tight against the outside of your fingers.
  • Do not tuck your thumb inside fingers, if you accidentally hit something your thumb could be injured.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body and your chin tucked down
  • Throw some punches as if you were boxing.
  • Start throwing a couple jabs and then work up in speed as the exercise progresses.
  • While punching you should be moving around, keep on the balls of your feet.
  • Remember to use head movement and lean back and forth as if you were avoiding punches from an opponent.
  • Have fun!

Duration: 15 Minutes (one-minute break 2X)

Calories Burned: ~105

5. Body Weight Squat

This is one of the most popular exercises for serious weight trainers.  While they do theirs with huge weights on their back, this body weight only version is still effective.

A squat works primarily your legs, but the amazing thing is it also works man other muscles in your body.  Weight trainers refer to this exercise as a true full body workout.

Learning the body weight squat is usually suggested before you move onto weighted squats.

The squat is basically done from the standing position, and you squat down towards the ground, in a sitting motion.  Then you finish the squat by standing back up straight.

If you don’t find the body weight squats challenging enough, then add dumbbells in each of your hands.  Make sure to have the same weight on each side.


Steps & Tips

  • Stand up with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed 30 degrees out.
  • Squat down into a sitting like position.
  • Squat as far as you are comfortable with.
  • Some people squat until their thighs are parallel to the ground while others like to slightly break that plane.
  • Don’t risk your form for speed.  Keeping the proper form is more important than finishing quickly.
  • Squatting down and then back up is a rep.
  • A set is 10 reps.

Duration: 3 Sets of 10

Calories Burned: ~105

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6. Dips

This exercise burns calories as well as builds muscle.  This is one of the best body weight work outs for your arms.  This is an exercise you will probably feel in your arms a day or more likely after you have done it.

This exercise can be done a couple different ways, but in general, using a dining room chair is perfect.

This exercise is so convenient that you could do it in a hotel room on a business trip.  It just takes your own body weight and a chair.

The overall idea is that you raise your own body weight with just your arms.

Steps & Tips

  • Stand in front of a chair, facing away from it.
  • Sit down on the very edge of the chair.
  • Place your hands so they are on the edge of the chair about shoulder width apart.
  • Make sure your hands are secured and slide your butt of the edge of the chair, walking out with your feet.  Keep your chest and head up.
  • Slowly lower your body downward.  Don’t bend your elbows past 90 degrees.
  • Now, push your body back up by extending your arms.
  • Lowering down and then raising up constitutes one rep.
  • If 3 sets of 8 reps is too much start out with one set and work your way up.
  • If you find this exercise too easy, an advanced dip can be performed by resting your feet on edge of another chair.

Duration: 3 Sets of 8

Calories Burned: ~75

7. Power Jumps

This exercise is a great way to wind down your day’s activities. It is one last explosive body weight exercise to finish your routine out.

You will want to make sure you have room enough to do this exercise, and you are on a firm floor. You probably don’t want to jump around anything fragile or that could fall off a shelf.

The key to this exercise is using your core muscles to explode. You don’t want to hold back on the jumps because you are scared of knocking something over.  If it is a nice day this is a great exercise to get out in the yard and do it.

It is pretty easy to do, since most of us have been jumping since kids. If you want to add difficulty to the exercise, hold some light dumbbells in each hand (same weight).

Steps & Tips

  • Find somewhere you are comfortable jumping as high as possible.
  • Stand up with your knees slightly bent and your feet close together.
  • Bend down, and then jump straight up as high as you can.
  • Land with your knees loose to absorb impact.
  • As you land, go into a squat position and then explode into your next jump as you rise up.
  • One jump is one rep.

Duration: 3 Sets of 10

Calories Burned: ~125

These seven workout routines can be done at home without fancy gym equipment.

Just include an exercise routine in your calendar, prepare a workout plan, and start burning calories.

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Here are some exercise tips that you should keep in mind and you will get more out of your workouts:

1. If possible, work out with a friend. It is much easier to stick with a workout routine if you and your friend are doing it together. There is a certain amount of peer pressure, neither of you wants to be the undisciplined one and neither of you wants to let the other one down.

2. If you are new to working out try to find a trainer to work with at least until you get a good routine worked out. After you’ve gotten the basics mastered you can either continue to work out with the trainer (this can be another great motivator) or, if your budget is tight you can give up the personal trainer and do it yourself.

3. Do not go nuts on the cardio aspect of your workout. Many people make this mistake. They think that spending a lot of time on the treadmill or the elliptical is good. And it is, but the problem is that your body gets used to that level of exertion and eventually your results will actually go down.

4. Do several types of cardio exercises. This one goes along with tip number 3. Don’t allow your body to get too used to a certain routine. You should change your workout routine at least every 6 weeks or so. This will really maximize your results. Another benefit of changing things up regularly is that you will lessen repetitive motion injuries that occur. You guessed it, when you do the same movements over and over again.

5. When you do weight training don’t make the mistake of going too fast when you do a repetition. This tip goes for both men and women. Many people go so fast that they are actually allowing momentum to do most of the work for them. This greatly decreases the effectiveness of the exercise. You want a very slow and controlled movement. Not only you will get the most out of the exercise, you will also lessen the chances of injuring yourself.

6. You may not hear this one too often, but if you are in a time crunch and you can’t really do a full workout (some cardio and weight training) and you have to pick one or the other, choose the weight portion of your workout. Weight training will also have a cardiovascular benefit and the boost in metabolism you get by weight training will last you long after your workout is over.

Hopefully, you have found these workout routines and exercise tips to be helpful. To really be successful in your workout program, it’s imperative that you find something that you truly enjoy doing and then simply stick to it.

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