What Are The Best Tips Before A Detox Program?

Detoxification For Health!

How do I choose a detox method?

If you are trying a detox for the first time, it is best to take a gentle, gradual approach. The detox diet plan is a basic detox diet that many people recommend.

Detox diets can target the different organ systems involved in detoxification: the skin, liver, kidneys, colon, lungs and lymph system.

A natural health care practitioner can design a program that suits your needs by targeting specific organ systems.

For example, a person with a skin condition may benefit from a program that addresses the liver, intestines, and skin.

Other forms of detox include juice fasts, macrobiotic diet, colon cleanse, and liver flush. If you can’t go without meat, at least avoid red meat, and consider steering clear of dairy and wheat for maximum benefits.

If you are a heavy smoker or take drugs regularly, it will be a huge shock to the system to give up at the same time as detoxing. Take one step at a time – giving up your particular vice will be a detox in itself.


Food additives, sugar, alcohol, caffeine withdrawal, constipation, hormonal imbalance and exposure to irritants such as pollution, perfume or after-shaves are all causes of headaches that can often be relieved by detoxification.


Saunas enhance circulation and oxygenate the tissues. They open the nasal passages and assist the sinuses to drain. A major eliminative organ, most people’s skin is very inactive. Many do not sweat. This may be due to synthetic or tight clothing that does not breathe.

Sedentary living and sun damage also inactivate the skin. Hundreds of chemicals affect the skin from lotions, soaps, and creams to deodorants. Others are cleaning solvents, detergent residues and chemicals from bathing water.

There are tons of detox diets out there. Typically they involve 1 or 2 days on a completely liquid diet and another 4 or 5 days adding brown rice, fruit, and steamed vegetables (all organic) to the diet.

After a week of eating only these foods, you gradually reintroduce other foods – except for red meat, wheat, sugar, eggs, and all prepackaged or junk foods – into your diet.

Detox To Lose Weight

Detoxification programs have been promoted as the remedy to today’s unhealthy lifestyles for years.

Proponents of detoxification note that a good detox can help increase energy, slow the aging process, aid the digestive system and help relieve the symptoms of diabetes and asthma. One of the greatest benefits of a good detoxification program is weight loss.

Your body is equipped with several systems to help it naturally detox. However, today’s stressful lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits often overburden your natural systems.

As your body struggles to keep up with the toxic matter flowing through your systems it often falls behind. Toxic waste begins to back up and the balance of your body is disrupted.

A good detox will help restore the body’s balance, eliminate the waste building up and make your systems run much more efficiently. During autopsies, coroners often find colons that are more than 75% clogged with waste matter.

This causes the systems that clean your blood and intestinal tracts to back up. Nutrients can’t be absorbed as efficiently and we gain weight, become tired and irritable. Health issues often follow.

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Cleaning the colon and the liver often completely relieves these clogs and allows  your body to return to optimum functioning.

Nutrients are used efficiently and many find that the detox program has such great results that they simply don’t crave sugar and fried foods after the detoxification.

Many report feeling so good after detoxifying that they are motivated to eat more carefully.

With the toxins being flushed out of the body, many report a dramatic increase in energy level, encouraging many to exercise and further assist their detox in reducing weight.

Researchers have found that as the level of toxins in the body rises, more fat is manufactured to protect the body. Weight gain is a natural by-product of toxin buildup.

Removing the toxins from the body allows the body to release the excess fat, resulting in a natural weight loss.

There are many detoxification programs on the market. Choose a gentle, well researched program that includes a parasite remover as well. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at your increased energy and amount of weight loss!

healthy and fit

Detoxify Your Body and Treat Your Ailments

If you are like many people, you’re tired, maybe overweight, caffeine addicted and stressed out. You just don’t feel your best.

You may even have more serious health problems like irritable bowel system or high blood pressure.  Want a natural alternative to more over-the-counter and prescription drugs?  Try detoxifying your body.

An internal body cleansing can have many great benefits.  Cleansing your body of toxic buildup can provide relief from fatigue, tension, headaches, constipation, skin problems and acne and PMS, just to name a few.

By assisting your body in this natural process, you’ll be strengthening your organs and boosting your immune system.

Substances that are potentially toxic to your bodies are everywhere.  Pollution, petroleum based products, pesticides and other compounds are harmful to your bodies.

Your organs, including the colon and liver, are responsible for removing the toxins and waste materials from your body.

But when these organs aren’t functioning up to standard you become tired, break out, and have digestive problems.  More serious illnesses may result.

In your body, enzymes attach themselves to certain toxic substances.  The resulting material is processed in the liver and colon to be eliminated.

Unfortunately, sometimes the liver and colon cannot process all of the waste that is present, either because they are just overwhelmed, or there is a lack of required nutrients.  The toxic compounds can’t be processed, so they build up to unhealthy levels.

Detoxification provides the liver, colon and other organs with the enzymes, nutrients and support that they need to eliminate the waste build-up and to function efficiently again.

Don’t procrastinate any longer.  Detoxify your body and reap the benefits of a clean engine!

healthy colon

When You Are Ready To Detoxify Choose A Herbal Cleanse

Deciding upon a cleansing program can be confusing, for every program there are drawbacks and benefits that will affect every person differently.

Certain steps must be followed. Strict diets must be adhered to as well as the importance of maintaining the proper amount of fluids daily.

The herbal cleanse program is probably the most user friendly because you have the freedom to choose from a wider variety of foods and supplements.

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Cleansing the body can be, accomplished in several ways.  You could go to your family doctor and get a prescription.

You will most likely receive strong laxatives, enemas, or a pill.  This method is not only expensive but brutal on your system.  During the process it’s wise not to stray more than 20 feet from the bathroom.

Another option is a diet comprised solely of fluids.  These are acceptable for short term (less than a week) but the human body was designed for solid food.  Go long enough without and you run the risk of dysentery or diarrhea.

Just imagine, how difficult it would be to maintain these liquid only diets, in addition to getting used to lack of solid food having diarrhea and cramping makes maintaining any program almost impossible.

This is also very dangerous and not recommended. Your body must have the major, healthy food choices to survive.

However, the herbal cleanse is the solution to your body cleansing situation.  Using natural herbal supplements and whole fresh foods you can detoxify using a safe and effective method that is healthy for your body.  Allowing you to eat and still cleanse your body at once.

Remember that to see results from your herbal cleanse you must maintain strict adherence to the program so before committing to any particular program walk through the entire process from the beginning to the end to ensure that you’re comfortable with what will be required.

Most herbal cleanses can be completed in less than 2 weeks and are simple to follow.

The best herbal cleanses are supplemented with fresh, nutritious fruits, vegetables, juices, and water to ensure your body has everything needed to survive and flourish during the cleansing process.

You may feel tired at the beginning of any cleansing program, but you’ll begin to perk up as your body begins to dispose of the gunk in your system.

The cleanse helps your body run properly again and will boost your energy levels drastically.  After only a few days, you’ll notice a feeling of lightness and increased energy.  Take advantage of this and use it to get things done.



Detoxification: 8 Starter Tips

You have been experiencing frequent headaches, weight gain, constipation and skin problems, amongst a whole host of health problems.

And you are pretty convinced that some of these problems are due to a diet of high in saturated fats, environmental pollution and a stressful lifestyle.

These factors have inadvertently contributed to a toxin build-up in your body and you would like to cleanse your body through a detox program.

But before you plunge right into just any cleansing technique, here are some general tips that you must first consider:


  1. Start with a cleansing technique that is not too drastic or extreme for your present condition.
  2. On the other hand, do not choose a technique that is too mild and would therefore be ineffective. You can always start with a gentle cleansing program but build it up gradually.
  3. If you are a female, do not detoxify when you are pregnant or having your period.
  4. Always budget enough time for the cleansing process to take place. For instance, in a bowel cleanse, you may have to allow about 4 hours for purging to take place.
  5. Do not rush into a cleansing technique. As in the above example, during the 4 hours, plan to take things slowly.  No heavy tasks! Be near a toilet if necessary.
  6. Before starting on cleansing, make sure you go through all instructions and have all the foods necessary for your detoxification. You don’t want to have to rush out to the supermarket in the middle of a cleanse.
  7. Work closely with a trained health practitioner, giving him or her full details of the health problems that you are facing.
  8. Most importantly, decide with your health practitioner the order in which you should cleanse your body. Cleansing of the different parts of the body can include colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing, lung cleansing and skin cleansing. The right order will result in a more effective and complete detoxification for your body.


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Now, what are you waiting for, plan your detox program and take the necessary actions for you to be fit and healthy, well and great!



How do I choose a detox method?

  • Detox diets can target the different organ systems involved in detoxification: the skin, liver, kidneys, colon, lungs and lymph system.
  • Other forms of detox include juice fasts, macrobiotic diet, colon cleanse, and liver flush.
  • Saunas enhance circulation and oxygenate the tissues.

Detox To Lose Weight

  • A good detox will help restore the body’s balance, eliminate the waste building up and make your systems run much more efficiently.
  • Cleaning the colon and the liver often completely relieves these clogs and allows your body to return to optimum functioning.
  • Researchers have found that as the level of toxins in the body rises, more fat is manufactured to protect the body.

Detoxify Your Body and Treat Your Ailments

  • Cleansing your body of toxic buildup can provide relief from fatigue, tension, headaches, constipation, skin problems and acne and PMS, just to name a few.
  • Detoxification provides the liver, colon and other organs with the enzymes, nutrients and support that they need to eliminate the waste build-up and to function efficiently again.

When You Are Ready To Detoxify Choose A Herbal Cleanse

  • Using natural herbal supplements and whole fresh foods you can detoxify using a safe and effective method that is healthy for your body.
  • The best herbal cleanses are supplemented with fresh, nutritious fruits, vegetables, juices, and water to ensure your body has everything needed to survive and flourish during the cleansing process.


  • Are you aware of the benefits of detoxification?
  • Are you planning to go through a detox program soon?
  • Have you chosen the best detox program that would best suit your needs
  • Have you tried the herbal cleanse option?
  • How are you going to prepare for an upcoming detoxification process?


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