Bodyweight Training for Strength to Weight Ratio


TRX and gymnastic rings mix things up a little because they involve bodyweight training instead of lifting weights. Bodyweight training is actually ideal for general fitness and for functional strength in particular. The reason is that bodyweight training means you have to lift your own body – something that you regularly have to do in … Read more

What Are The Functional Strength Training Tools?

We talked about functional strength, the compound movements and primal movements along with ‘relax intro stretch’ and foam rolling in the previous posts. Now, what could be some effective training tools that you can incorporate in your quest for functional strength? Thus, if the previous were applied, your training regime consists of lots of compound … Read more

Find Out The Relax Into Stretch And Foam Rolling Routines

relax into stretch

  Discover the process relax into stretch and foam falling into your exercise routine. Does this help you more flexible and mobile? Something you might notice when trying these movements though is that… you can’t. Or at least you can’t very confidently. This will be a result of all those years of sitting at your … Read more

Why Functional Strength Stands Out?

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How can functional strength be different from the other so-called fad right now? To be clear, it is not really a fad by any means. Health and fitness trends come and go all the time, but regrettably, not all of them are worth your time and effort. Some of them don’t work, some of them … Read more

How To Lose Weight With Functional Strength?

lose weight functional strength

  What can functional strength do with weight loss? But before that, let us find out first the importance of functional strength. Significance of Functional Strength The phrase “functional strength training” refers to a time for exercising each muscle group for strength to perform everyday activities in a simpler and easier manner. Enhancing day by day … Read more

What are the Primal Movements and Compound Movements?

  Are you familiar with the primal movements, compound movements or big lifts?  Check below which exercise movements you have been including in your routine.   Primal Movements Our modern lifestyle makes us difficult to move around and leads us to suffer some body pains. Perhaps, you have seldom meaningful and challenging physical activity.   … Read more
