How Dancing Makes You Fit?

How To Dance Your Way To Great Physical Fitness?

Now are you one or more of the following:

  1. Don’t exercise
  2. Hates exercising
  3. Don’t have time to exercise
  4. Hate gyms
  5. Hate monthly fees
  6. Love making excuses not to go to the gym in spite of being charged a monthly membership anyway
  7. Bored with your conventional predictable Aerobics left, right up and down exercises
  8. Conscience of your shape at present and want to hide at any given rate
  9. Love to smile but forgotten how to
  10. Does not take exercising and having fun and laughing, at one self not to seriously
  11. Would love to improve their general physical appearance, stamina, overall look, weight loss, health, fitness, Cardio health, flexibility and most importantly their night life activities!

Then, keep on reading…


Why Dance Lessons Are Good For Your Heart

Keeping your hearts healthy is important.  Cardiovascular exercises, which increase heart rate, keep your hearts in shape.

Regular exercise has also been shown to lower blood pressure, freeing your heart from some of the effort in moving blood through your system.

But many people don’t get much enjoyment from disciplined workouts.  They know they need regular cardiovascular exercise to stay heart-healthy, but what activities are there to steer clear of tedious typical exercise programs?

Many find dancing to be one such activity.  Dancing allows you to get your heart pumping and your limbs moving without having to endure the monotony of exercising on a treadmill or at a gym.

Dancing regularly keeping not only keeps ones heart healthy, it also helps maintain balance and coordination.

Plus, of course, dance lessons and events let you get you out of the house regularly and make and meet friends.

Local organizations, universities, community and, sometimes, churches hold dancing lessons and events that are open to people of all abilities and skill levels.  If you haven’t danced in awhile, or even if you’ve never tried it before, it’s never too late to learn.

Adding another skill to your list never hurts, and dancing is an ability that comes in handy mighty often.

Dance lessons are typically offered by style (ballroom, folk, Latin, swing, et cetera) and ability level (beginner, intermediate, advanced, competitive).

Most dances that you’re probably familiar with fall into the category of “ballroom dancing.”

Ballroom dancing is performed with a partner (don’t worry; there are typically a number of “singles” taking lessons.  You’ll be able to pair off when you go to the lesson).

Everything from the internationally renowned waltz, to the classic American Foxtrot, to the Latin salsa and cha-cha, fall into the category of ballroom dance.

Folk dancing typically refers to square dancing, contra dancing, or one of several Irish, Scottish, or English styles of dance.

Folk dances can sometimes be more social than ballroom dances (since partners typically split up and join with others during the course of the dance).

Other popular styles of dance include swing, Latin, traditional and many others.  Feel free to explore.

Books and videos can also be found online, if you just need a refresher, or would rather get the basics in the comfort of your own home.

If you’re looking for a great way to be heart-smart, stays fit, and meet new people, try dancing.

Dance lessons allow you to try something new, exercise, and take part in a social activity all at the same time.  Find a style that interests you, pick the appropriate skill level, find a place, and dance!

5 Tips to “Dance The Weight Away”

If you love Latin rhythms and want to lose weight keep reading. No longer do you have to spend your money going to the gym.

By following my simple weight losing tips while listening to Merengue Latin grooves, you’ll be able to shed pounds effortlessly.

Many people like to listen to music when they work out but a small percentage of people around the world know about my little Latin-dance work out strategy.

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You can dance at your own pace because it doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a professional salsa dancer, you just need to follow the rhythms, listen the drums, and listen to amazing Latin beats.


Tip number #1: Make a commitment to pop in a Merengue or Salsa audio or download some Merengue or Salsa music online that will  make you start dancing while breaking a sweat.


Tip number #2: Take 2-3 Merengue or Salsa dancing classes. You cav take a basic Latin dance class or intermediate to advance level class based on your experience.

This will eventually improve your Latin dancing skills and dedication and will make you look like a professional. These moves also help strengthen your abdominal muscles which can help  keep fat flab off your tummy.


Tip number #3: Make a commitment to dance at least 60 minutes a day before work, after work or on your lunch break.

Don’t forget! If you are a female, shake your hips. If you are a male, shake your chest. The first 30 minutes should not be interrupted, stay active and in constant motion for the full 30 minutes because this is when you start burning fat and calories.


Tip number #4: If you don’t want to take the time and money for classes, begin with the simple 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 steps starting with a right step in front and left step back and fourth while counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. This will help you dance the weight away.


Tip number #5: Keep your stomach and back straight for better stability, as it is very important to maintain your center of gravity when changing direction. Good balance will allow you to be in the correct position to hit the next dance step.

Dancing to Latin tropical rhythms like Salsa and Meringue this summer will get you in shape in no time.

By increasing your power with the following Latin grooves exercise, you can improve your overall fitness goals in less than a month.


Dance To Your Health

We as a world are more aware than ever of the importance of physical fitness to our overall health.

While we remain aware of the need for physical activity far too many of us find far too few reasons to incorporate physical activity into our daily lives and routines.

There are many reasons that we procrastinate in this particular effort. For some, time is the defining factor while others will readily admit that they have no appreciation whatsoever for those activities that come to mind when exercise is considered.

Whatever your reason for not incorporating exercise and physical activity into your daily routine, have you considered dancing for your health?

There are all kinds of wonderful reasons to dance though there are very few that would be better than dancing for the sake of your health and physical well being.

The good news when it comes to dancing is that in most instances it doesn’t feel as though you are getting exercise and the burning of calories doesn’t sting nearly as much when you’re having fun burning them.

Dancing has evolved a great deal and while the history of dance is a long and noble history. Even, one might add, a quite manly history for those men who haven’t considered dancing in the past.

Benefits of Dancing

In addition to burning calories, a good thing for dieters everywhere, dancing also helps strengthen your muscles and bones. It can provide either a low impact or high impact workout according to your wishes and the music you select.

It can be entertaining and feel like fun rather than a chore—this means you are more likely to actually do it than many other exercise programs.

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And it can help tone all areas of your body rather than focusing on one particular area as many exercises do.

Dancing also provides an excellent opportunity to socialize and meet others if you take classes while in the process helping you gain a better sense of balance and grace.

Dancing, and the physical activity alone can help you ward off potential illnesses that are often associated with excess weight and too little physical activity.

Even as little as thirty minutes of dance 4 days a week can bring about profound results when it comes to your overall health and well being.

More importantly however than any of these benefits of dancing mentioned above dancing is fun.

This means that you will enjoy life a little, laugh a little, and accidentally work a little physical fitness into your life without feeling as though you are suffering for the sake of doing so. So many people get very little physical activity because they do not see physical activity as fun.

If you are wondering what sort of dance is right for you, there are many from which to choose. Square dancing is great fun for couples as are ballroom and swing dancing.

Line dancing, contra square dancing, clogging, and tap dancing can be great fun in larger groups or as a participant in a class.

If you want something a little sexier for your dance efforts you can always try Salsa dancing, Flamenco dancing, or belly dancing.

If you live in or around a relatively large community it is quite likely that you can find classes or teachers for private lessons for each of these forms of dance quite easily.

You do want to make sure that anyone you take lessons from knows what they are doing. You can also look in your local paper for square dancing groups or bars or clubs that offer line dancing classes on designated nights during the week.

Whether you have been dancing all your life or are a rank novice when it comes to dancing, this is a great way to bring physical fitness into your life and improving your health without feeling as though you are really working for it or experiencing a sense of dread at the very thought.


Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) as a Fun Exercise Program

One of the main reasons people quit an exercise program is a lack of motivation and goal setting.  You may start an exercise program in hopes of losing weight and becoming fit.

However, as you continue exercising, you may feel that you’re putting in so much effort but gaining so little.  You become unmotivated because it’s not worth it.

With ‘Dance Dance Revolution’ kids, teens, and adults can find a way to stay motivated, exercise, and have more fun.  ‘Dance Dance Revolution’ is a music game available on both console and arcade.

You can choose from a variety of energetic dance songs.  As the song plays, you have to step on a specific pattern of arrows in response to the song’s beat.

Like most games, learning ‘Dance Dance Revolution’ takes practice.  There is a range of tempos, song genres, and step difficulties, so there is something for everyone.  Beginners can start off with easy slow-paced songs.

To get better, simply practice, practice, and practice.  Become familiar with the songs.  As you progress you can gradually choose faster songs and more difficult step patterns.

With enough practice and persistence you’ll gain stamina, become better at foot-eye coordination, and have a better sense of rhythm.

Since the game grades you on how well you’ve played each song, it is easy to set goals and stay motivated.

For example, if you achieved a ‘D’ rating on a song, you can set a goal to get a ‘C’ rating in a certain timeframe.  If you failed a song, you can set a goal to pass that song in a certain number of tries.

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Also, with a partner, you can both play the same song and participate in some friendly competition.  This competition adds a great deal of fun.  It helps you strive to improve and keep playing so you can beat your dance partner.

To play ‘Dance Dance Revolution’ look for your local arcades and see if any of them has a ’Dance Dance Revolution’  arcade machine.

If they don’t, or you don’t want to travel to an arcade, you can get a ‘Dance Dance Revolution’ game for a console like Playstation, Playstation 2, or XBox.

Of course, you could play with a regular controller but then you wouldn’t be exercising (unless you consider finger manipulation exercising).  To experience the game the right way, you’ll need a dance pad.

There are three main types of dance pads: soft thin pads, ignition pads, and metal pads.  Soft thin pads are flexible, made of plastic, and wear out quickly.  They tend to slip around a lot.  You have to constantly realign your soft thin pad while playing harder songs.

If you simply want to test out DDR, soft thin pads are great.  Ignition pads are soft pads which have a foam insert.  The foam insert provides weight, durability, and comfort.  It feels different from the arcade but is easy to adapt to.

Like the soft thin pads, ignition pads will wear out.  The best pads for expert players are the metal pads.  They have been designed to give more of that arcade feel.  They have greater durability and accuracy.

Thus, there are many ways to dance and integrate it into your fitness program. Likewise, dancing could be your interval activity in between your regular exercise routine.



Why Dance Lessons Are Good For Your Heart

  • Dancing allows you to get your heart pumping and your limbs moving without having to endure the monotony of exercising on a treadmill or at a gym.
  • Dancing helps maintain balance and coordination.
  • Dance lessons allow you to try something new, exercise, and take part in a social activity all at the same time.

5 Tips to “Dance The Weight Away”

1: Make a commitment to pop in a Merengue or Salsa audio
2: Take 2-3 Merengue or Salsa dancing classes.
3: Make a commitment to dance at least 60 minutes a day before work, after work or on your lunch break.
4: If you don’t want to take the time and money for classes, begin with the simple 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 steps starting with a right step in front and left step back and fourth while counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
5: Keep your stomach and back straight for better stability

Dance to Your Health

  • In addition to burning calories, dancing also helps strengthen your muscles and bones.
  • It can provide either a low impact or high impact workout.
  • Dancing, and the physical activity alone can help you ward off potential illnesses that are often associated with excess weight and too little physical activity.
  • Dancing is fun.


– Do you dance?

– What type of dance can you do?

– How often do you dance?

– Does dancing improves your balance and coordination?

– Who you are with when you are dancing?

– What are your favorite moves to dance?


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