Creating a Personal Mission Statement for Motivation

personal mission statement

In this article, we’ll dive into how making a personal mission statement can boost your motivation and guide your life’s path. We’ll walk you through a simple process to craft a statement that inspires you. This will be your guide for both personal and professional goals. A personal mission statement is a key tool for … Read more

How To Stay Motivated To Reach Your Goals?

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  A lot of individuals are guilty of attempting to undertake their goals utilizing a series of trial and error approaches. They arbitrarily throw their energy out there with all their might on the few steps they acknowledge, believing that this will get them to their destination. They handle their goals in a hit-or-miss approach, … Read more

What Are The Consequences Of Your Reactions?


Once upon a time, a child complained to a loving father that life was miserable and that the child didn’t know how they were going to pull through. The child was sick of battling and struggling all the time. It appeared just as one issue was worked out, a different one shortly followed. The loving … Read more

How to Get Yourself Back on Track?

We have to move with the rhythm of our environment which always requires us to stay ready and up and moving. So, what do you do in times when you just don’t feel like doing anything? Or, when too much needs to be done and all you ever want is to quit?     Motivation … Read more

Motivation: Winning The Battle In Your Head

How do you keep the good vibes, positivity, and motivation in your head? Motivation is a funny, complex thing. The thing that motivates one person is always different from that of another even though they are working for the same thing.   And while people can motivate other people, they can only do so to … Read more

How to Stay Positive amidst Negativity?

It is indeed very challenging to face the hurdles in the midst of shadows and crippling negativity. Yet, in spite of this, you want to raise yourself up and be in the light of positivity, right? It is human to have down times, where we feel discouraged, depressed and listless. The difference lies in how … Read more

Succeed with your Intellect

Here’s another inspirational thoughts for you to ponder. Have you ever felt that you had nothing to offer…no gifts to share whatsoever? During spells of frustration or despair, it’s common to feel worthless. It can seem that everyone else is far more brilliant, beautiful & worthy of consideration. In times like these, take solace in … Read more

Breaking the Bad Habit of Not Having Enough Motivation

Not all days are sunny. There are days when you were down and does not want to continue. But, what will you do during these times? Most of us have a love-hate relationship with motivation. We need to get motivated all the time but we always find it hard to get out of our comfort zones … Read more

How to Stay Motivated?

What do you usually do to keep you motivated in accomplishing your goals? What are your tricks to keep you on the right track towards success? Life has a way of interfering us while we are going after our dreams. It distracts us from pursuing things that really matter and even convinces us that nothing … Read more

To be Successful, Be Certain On Where You’re Going

  Here’s another motivational message to inspire and motivate you to ponder: Get Clear On Where You’re Going Have you ever felt that there’s just not enough time in the day? Most often, when we run out of time for projects or pursuits, the reason is that we’ve spent a lot of time lost in … Read more

Change One Thing For Your Success

If you can change a thing for you to be successful, what would it be? Here’s another inspirational thought and a motivational message for you to ponder. One simple change, one simple step. It all begin with one. That one can reach to a hundred, a thousand, a million and so on. Sometimes it seems like nothing … Read more

24 Empowering Beliefs and Powerful Motivational Takeaways

How can your experiences be shaped by your thinking? How can obstacles have unseen values? Is it possible to develop a conviction that will help you to feel happier and achieve more, regardless of the situation? Consider these empowering beliefs and powerful rules of motivation that you can start using today to transform your life through … Read more
