How To Overcome Negative Thoughts To Boost Self Esteem?

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Are you looking for ways to boost your self-esteem? Then, how about going back to the way you think? Are your thoughts mostly positive or negative? With that, let’s find out how to overcome those negative thoughts.

Dispel Fears for a More Positive Outlook

Fears and phobias are something which can have an effect on anyone to some extent, while many can conquer their fear and most fears and phobias are unlike more than actual phobias.

For some people, fear and phobia can be severely distressing and have a huge impact on their day-to-day living.

Fear and phobias obviously cause negativity and constant negativity gets you down, while some phobias and fear can be deep-seeded you can break the hold it has over you with time and help.

There are various methods of help, and the more deeply seeded the fear or phobia, the more likely professional help may be advised in the form of a therapy or hypnotherapy. If the fear is only mild then you may overcome it by using self-help methods.

Understanding Fears and Phobias

In order to be able to conquer fears and phobias it is essential that you understand them, fear and phobia simply causes us uncomfortable thoughts and feelings when placed in certain situations.

It can bring feelings such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, a terrible feeling, a tight band of pressure around the head, pains in the chest, a feeling of breathlessness and trembling.

These are all feelings that you yourselves allow building up and taking over your mind and body. Dispelling fear is a matter of taking back control and putting things into perspective.

This is the basis behind curing any form of fear or phobia although if you suffered for many years it will take longer for you to recover, recovery is possible.

Phobias and fears are basically exaggerated anxiety, and learning methods and ways to relax is a good start to curing fear and phobias.

There are many self-help books, online programs, courses and audio courses that can help you make a start, any self-help material designed for dealing with anxiety and stress will help but there are many specifically aimed at those suffering from fear and phobia.

Benefits of Overcoming the Fear

The benefits of dealing with and overcoming phobia and fear is immense and those who have recovered and overcome their fears and phobias have likened it to being reborn again, the world takes on new meaning when fears are dispelled.

A new positive outlook develops which leads to living a happier and more fulfilled life, you start to feel good about yourself and what you can accomplish in life, you are finally free to do anything and everything that your heart desires.

While there might still occasionally be some anxiety for a time when confronted by your fear or phobia, it will be unlike the intense fear that once had you incapacitated from it.

Once you have realized that the key to overcoming these feelings is inside you, the fear you feel doesn’t have the same hold on you it once did and will eventually give up its hold on you altogether.

Overcome Detachment

Dissociation or disconnection causes us problems with your emotions, physical sensations and how you feel about yourselves as well as the world around you.

It is often associated with depression and anxiety or when a person has gone through a traumatic experience.

People suffering from dissociation offer have feelings of unreality and often fear they are going insane or that they have some incurable illness.

Talking with and being around others becomes almost impossible and deep anxiety that is caused by the feelings can develop into a social phobia.

The feeling of dissociation can vary from person to person depending on the circumstances that brought it about, but common thoughts and feelings associated with disassociation include:

  • The world around feels unreal
  • Not belonging in the world
  • A grey fog covering their vision
  • Like having a veil over your head
  • The world is moving at a faster pace than normal
  • Confusion
  • A terrible feeling of not being able to cope
  • Unsure of yourself
  • Others find happiness but not you
  • Extreme anxiety
  • Feelings that everyone is against you
  • Feelings that everyone is talking about you

These are just some of the feelings caused by disassociation and these feelings eventually cause the sufferer to believe that they have to turn deeper inward to themselves in order to get back into reality.

They continually watch themselves for any brief glimpse that reality as they knew it is returning, of course the more they turn inward and worry the worse the symptoms are.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help those suffering to overcome feelings of dissociation particularly when the cause is severe trauma.

Those suffering from dissociation due to anxiety and stress may be able to rid themselves of the feelings through self-help methods and the help and understanding of a doctor.

It is important to remember that the world hasn’t actually changed, it is only your perception of the world and those around you that has really changed and these are only temporary thoughts and feelings you are having.

Once you have conquered and overcome what is causing the feelings of dissociation you will see things as you once used to.

For those who suffer from feelings of dissociation due to depression and anxiety they should realize that the feelings are just that, no more than feelings and these feelings will leave in time.

It is important not to be constantly studying them and wondering when they will go, try to accept that they are here for a time and give them no more thought.

Once you have lost some interest in your feelings and are not constantly worrying about them it can be surprising how quickly the world once again becomes the world you once knew.

Accepting your feelings and any thoughts you might have during this period is essential, for it is only when you lose fear of the situation can you recover.


Overcome Doubt

Overcoming doubt is easy, if you don’t doubt it, of course.  However, many entertain an element of doubt in their minds about being successful whenever they try something new.

In fact, almost everyone is in some way plagued with doubt of some kind.  Take science, for example.

Do you think all the scientific advancement achieved would have been possible without questioning the prevailing assumptions at the beginning?

Suppose you want to start a business or launch a novel project. Are you absolutely sure that it will succeed?

There is always a little fear or doubt at the beginning.

Despite your doubt, you cannot let it keep you from your ultimate goal. The reason is simple. You must be prepared to risk failure because it is important for overcoming doubt.

Dive right in to whatever it is without making rash decisions.  Don’t worry, you won’t dive in without the right gear.

You will analyze all of the possible consequences of your situation and you will embrace the outcome, whatever it may be.  This is the secret to conquering doubt.  Have courage to fight it out and you are sure to defeat it.

Belief is the enemy of doubt. Learn to think positively and believe in your ability to be successful. Remember you will succeed if you think you will and you will fail if you think that too.

Your thoughts are self-fulfilling prophecies so you must stop thinking negatively. Likewise, never pay heed to the people who discourage you, who revel in planting doubts in you and who are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Always be in the company of those people whose thoughts and attitudes to life in general are positive.

When Failure Strikes

You probably won’t be fortunate to never experience failure in your life.  However, you must understand that it is part of life.  These are the times when failure fills your mind with doubt and it is hard to muster the confidence you built up earlier in the process.

You can’t let go of your commitment, no matter how shaken you are by failure.  In fact, any setback should only prompt you to double your resolve to make another attempt at reaching your goal.

In order for this to happen, train your mind to build your self-control and self-confidence.  Every step towards self-confidence helps get rid of doubt and you will be back to your successful ways once again.

Healthy Doubt

Remember some amount of doubt can always be helpful in gaining wisdom or achieving advancement in life.

But when it becomes a cause for your depression and inactivity or when it stands like an insurmountable hurdle in your way to reach your destination, draw upon your energy reserves that can toughen up your mind.

You have to strengthen your will to succeed at all costs and weaken doubt by all possible means, so that you will lead a life of fulfillment.

You may succeed because of your doubt or in spite of your doubt. Or, you may have to accept the inevitable and compromise with whatever worst-case scenario that presents itself.

If this happens, just change course, re-energize your cylinders and start afresh on your revised path. Defeat doubt before it defeats you.

stress_emotional wellness

Overcome Feelings of Helplessness

We all come across feelings of helplessness to some degree or another sometime during our life, this is fine as long as we get back on track and overcome these feelings.

However for some, feelings of helplessness set in and begin to affect our way of thinking and life.

Here are some helpful tips to help you understand those feelings of helplessness and how to overcome them.

  • Begin by identifying the problems, fears, issues and obstacles which make you feel helpless and try to discover why they make you feel this way
  • Work on ways that encourage you to take on new beliefs that you can be independent, self-confident and are capable of dealing with anything that crops up in the future
  • Learn ways to deal with these feelings of helplessness when they crop up
  • Practice ways to deal with conflicts and problem solving when they arise
  • If you have relapse and begin to doubt again remember that this is only normal and pick back up from where you left off
  • Whatever the success however small be sure to reward yourself
  • Realize that it will take time to change our feelings of helplessness so always strive towards your goals.
  • Don’t aim for perfection all the time, no one is perfect we all make mistakes
  • Identify what you need to do to grow in the skills of self-coping, self-healing and self-confidence

Feelings of helplessness can cause us many problems in life, the longer you feel helpless, the less control you have over your own life.

Here are some common experiences that occur through helplessness.

  • You begin to feel that no matter what you do or how hard you try you cannot succeed in life
  • You become over dependent on others around you to help you overcome your problems
  • You see yourself as totally incompetent
  • You develop a deep seated fear that you are unable to handle a situation
  • You become miserable, unhappy in life and depression sets in
  • You think of yourself as a victim that always needs rescuing from situations
  • You have a pessimistic outlook on life in general
  • You are afraid others see you as being frail and weak
  • You become despondent because you run out of people who are willing to look after you by solving your problems
  • You resign yourself to the fact that you will always be helpless, that you cannot possibly change

There are many ways you can help yourself overcome these feelings, the important thing to remember is that you are not alone and you can take back control over your life and make important decisions again to successfully solve your problems.

All you need is to have faith in yourself and dig deep and find that faith and bring it to the surface.

While we all have the ability to overcome our problems ourselves, it doesn’t hurt to get advice from friends and relatives as long as you aren’t relying on them totally to solve your problems for you.



Dispel Fears For A More Positive Outlook
Understanding Fears And Phobias
Phobias and fears are basically exaggerated anxiety, and learning methods and ways to relax is a good start to curing fear and phobias.

Benefits Of Overcoming The Fear
– likened to being born again
– new positive outlook
– start to feel good
– free to do anything and everything

Overcome Detachment or Dissociation
Detachment or dissociation is often associated with depression and anxiety or when a person has gone through a traumatic experience.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Remember that the world hasn’t actually changed
Overcome the cause
Accept your feelings and any thoughts

Overcome Doubt
– be prepared to risk failure
– dive in to whatever it is without making rash decisions
– have the courage to fight it out
– belief is the enemy of doubt

When Failure Strikes
– understand failures as part of life
– you can’t let go of your commitment
– train your mind to build your self-control and self-confidence

Healthy Doubt
– strengthen your will to succeed
– accept the inevitable
– compromise with whatever worst-case scenario

Overcome Feelings Of Helplessness
– take back control over your life
– make important decisions again to successfully solve your problems
– have faith in yourself
– dig deep
– find that faith



Do you have any negative thoughts? If so, what are they?

How do you overcome these negative thoughts?

How will you overcome fears?

How will you overcome detachment?

How will you overcome doubt?

How will you overcome feelings of helplessness?



Why You Have To Develop Your Self-Esteem To Reach Your Dreams?

develop self-esteem

First, we should discover what does self-esteem truly implies, how to acquire or build up your self-esteem and lastly how to utilize this to understand your dream or accomplish your objectives.

Self-esteem relates to individual reflection. It is an examination or dissatisfaction with self. The way you assess yourself will decide the levels of certainty which you have.

Self-esteem is comprised of beliefs like “I am competent in….”, “I know that I cannot….”, “I know that that……is better than me in…”, “I am worthy…..” etc.

There are individuals who know for good that they are a ton superior to anything others in all or a few viewpoints. Others realize that they can never show improvement over some other individuals in all or a few perspectives.

Moreover, it additionally alludes to feelings of disgrace, despondency, triumph or pride and others.

It might likewise make reference to the negative convictions around oneself for instance:

I believe I am dishonest… ,

I am challenging..;

I don’t know how to relate with individuals and so on.

The limit of creating self-assurance and appreciation for oneself and for others is undeniable in each person. It depends on the capacity of intuition which is inborn in each person.

Psychoanalysts prompt that you ought to try whatever you can inside your ability to create happiness while you are alive. We have one and only opportunity to live on this planet.

The typical person ought to have high esteem. For different reasons, many people have low self-esteem and they never appear to do anything to build it.

Pessimistic self-talk or joke by companions and other individuals whom you collaborate with can bring down your self-esteem.

Notwithstanding when you regard to be trailed by unlimited issues and disappointment, psychologists advise that you ought to at present be glad on the grounds that there are extremely may different elements which are worth making you happy.

develop your self-esteem

Positive Self-Esteem

Positive self-esteem will give you the opportunity to relax.

Attributes of persons with positive self-esteem

  • Believe in specific standards and principles
  • Can safeguard themselves when they are restricted
  • They feel secure to adjust them as they pick up experience of life
  • They act to accommodate with what they feel is the best decision for them
  • Trust their own judgments
  • They don’t feel remorseful or offended when their suppositions or proposals are rejected
  • They don’t invest much energy stressing over past occasions or happenings
  • They are not much stressed over the future but rather they are set up for whatever may happen
  • They plan for the future and gain from their past and from the lives of others
  • Have trust in their capacity of taking care of issues
  • Ask assistance from others when they trust that the matter is difficult or complex for them
  • They trust they are equal .They don’t feel better or substandard than others
  • They don’t pride themselves as the best and they don’t reprimand others
  • They are independent minded. They are not significantly affected by others
  • They are prepared to work with others
  • They can take an interest in any action at any position: administration, subordinate, supervisee, director and so forth.
  • They control their feelings and so forth

The Importance of Positive Self Esteem

Positive self-esteem:

  • Gives one the certainty, idealism and consideration and they can without much of a stretch achieve their objectives of life
  • Makes one more aspiring to accomplishment
  • Brings bliss
  • Brings understanding of oneself
  • Gives one ability to communicate with others
  • Gives and individual the ability to respect others
  • Brings innovativeness and increases profitability at the working environment
  • Puts of anxiety and depression

Negative (Low) Self-Esteem

Negative or low self-esteem is the opposite of positive self-esteem.

Characteristics of persons with Low Self Esteem

  • Self-criticism
  • Dissatisfaction of oneself
  • Overreaction to feedback; they feel irate when corrected, tested or restricted
  • They are hesitant
  • Avoid restricting something which they feel isn’t right
  • They feel guilty about their character
  • Feel bothered when you vary with them
  • Are much of the time stressed and discouraged
  • Are defensive and argumentative
  • They despise life
  • Belief that they are the second rate and that some other individuals are superior to anything them

Self-esteem will give you the feeling that you can adapt to any test that may stop by. This will give you certainty and you will now stress over what is prone to happen or not to happen next.

This quality will make you feel that what you are doing is correct and will be affirmed by anybody. It likewise gives one the capacity to judge effectively and anticipate the possible outcomes of activities or exclusions.

Note that self-confidence does not mean presumptuousness.

Individuals who are presumptuous, trust and believe that whatever they do  is the best and they don’t acknowledge corrections.

This isn’t right since you ought to dependably acknowledge the remarks from others and what they advise you.

develop your self esteem

Develop Your Self-Esteem

So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self-esteem in a tough environment?

Tips to Develop your Self-Esteem

Here are some tips you may consider as a starter guide to self-improvement.

Envision yourself as a Dart Board.

Everything and other people around you may get to be Dart Pins, at some point.

These dart pins will crush your self-esteem and draw you down in ways you won’t significantly remember.

Try not to give them a chance to crush you, or outdo you.

So which dart pins would it be a good idea for you to stay away from?

Dart Pin #1 : Negative Work Environment

Be careful with “vicious” suggestion or “dog eat dog” theory where other people is battling just to excel.

This is the place non-grateful individuals generally flourish. Nobody will welcome your commitments regardless of the possibility that you miss lunch and supper, and stay up late.

More often than not, you get the opportunity to work a lot without getting assistance from individuals concerned.

Stay out of this! It will demolish your self-esteem. The rivalry is in question anywhere. Be sufficiently sound to contend, yet in a healthy competition, that is.

Dart Pin #2: Other People’s Behavior

Bulldozers, gossipmongers, whiners, double-crossers, expert marksmen, individuals strolling injured, controllers, naggers, murmurers, exploders… every one of these sorts of individuals will posture terrible vibes for your self-regard, and additionally to your self-improvement plan

Dart Pin #3: Changing Environment

You can’t be a green bug on a brown field. Changes challenge our ideal models. It tests our adaptability, versatility and adjusts the way we think.

Changes will make life difficult for some time, it might bring about anxiety yet it will help us discover approaches to enhance ourselves. The change will be there always, we should be subject to it.

Dart Pin #4: Past Experience

It’s alright to cry and say “ouch!” when we encounter pain. Be that as it may, don’t give torment a chance to change itself into fear.

It may snatch you by the tail and swing you around. Regard every disappointment and misstep as a lesson.

Dart Pin #5: Negative World View

Take a look at what you’re observing. Try not to wrap yourself up with every one of the negativities of the world.

In building self-esteem, we should figure out how to make the best out of most exceedingly terrible circumstances.

Dart Pin #6: Determination Theory

The way you are and your behavioral attributes are said to be a blended finished result of your acquired qualities (hereditary qualities), you’re childhood (psychic), and your ecological surroundings, for example, your mate, the organization, the economy or your friend network.

You have your own personality.  If it happens that your dad is a disappointment, it doesn’t mean you need to be a disappointment as well. Gain from other individuals’ experience, so you’ll never need to experience the same errors.

In some cases, you might need to think about whether a few people are born leaders or positive thinkers.

Being optimistic, and staying positive is a decision.

Building self-esteem and drawing lines for self-development is a decision, not a standard or an ability. God wouldn’t descend from paradise and let you know – “George, you may now have the consent to construct self-esteem and enhance yourself.”

In life, it’s difficult to stay tough particularly when things and individuals around you continue pulling you down.

When we get to the combat zone, we ought to pick the right gear to carry and armors to utilize, and pick those that are bullet proof. Life’s choices give us varieties of more choices.

Along the fight, we will get hit and wounded. Furthermore, wearing an impenetrable protective layer in a perfect world signifies ‘self-change’. The sort of progress which originates from inside.

Building self-esteem will, in the long run, lead to self-improvement in the event that we begin to end up in charge of who we are, what we have and what we do. It resembles a fire that ought to bit by bit spread like a wildfire from all around.

When we create self-esteem, we take control of our central goal, values, and teach. Self-esteem realizes self-improvement, genuine assessment, and determination.

So how would you begin setting up the building squares of self-esteem?

Be certain.

Be contented and happy.

Be grateful.

Never miss a chance to compliment.

A positive method of living will help you construct self-esteem your starter manual for self-change.




What is the Relationship Between Self-esteem and Weight Loss?

Weight loss and self-esteem can be likened to a scale, as one side goes down the other side goes up. Generally, the more weight you lose, the higher yourself regard goes up.

But where should you start? 

Losing weight is not enough to be happy. If not done right, it could lead to more frustration. Pursuing weight loss alone cannot cure self-esteem issues.

One cannot rely on external factors to make changes from within. Work on your self-esteem first to make sure that is properly grounded. Because at the end of the day, you go back to your own self.



And how exactly will you do that?

Boost first your self-esteem by loving yourself unconditionally. Be kind to yourself and appreciate yourself now and what you might become in the future. Deciding to pursue weight loss should come from loving yourself and not from hate or dislike.


It is like, you love yourself so much that you want to improve yourself and you want to look better. And for that, you set an intention to fit and healthy choices for losing weight.


Nobody ought to presume that they must be “flawless” whatever that implies in any case. Perfect is a superlative word, an inconceivable standard to have, or to accomplish, nobody is great.


For sure, even all the “ideal” super models and on-screen characters you see on television have flaws, looking at them without their cosmetics and complimenting lighting.


That is why there’s no need to be pressured from media and widespread information about losing weight. Changing one’s concept of what is perfect and replacing it with what makes one happy would be another consideration to take note.


What to do next?

Simply set for yourself the weight that is ideal for you and your body sort. When you have set practical intentions for yourself, stay with a system that will give you each possibility of accomplishing those objectives.


Set a date when to begin and reasonable time frame. Then adjust your chosen exercise routine and healthy eating plan that’s tailored to your body needs and preferences while proceeding for whatever is left in your life.


You can call on the assistance of any of your buddies to achieve your objective. For sure, they would love to help you out.


Indeed, even after simply having lost a couple pounds, you can as of now see a huge lift in your self-esteem. It’s more than simply the way that she has lost a couple pounds, it’s about the way that she has set an objective for herself and being successful with her intention of losing weight.


Setting an intention to yourself and achieved it gives one of a kind satisfaction. It can truly make you feel awesome about yourself by glaring on the mirror some bodily change in you.


What is the end result?

Start from self-love and self-appreciation as the foundation of advancing your self-esteem. It became your motivating factor in losing weight and not be hard on yourself.


Losing weight is now your gift to yourself and raising the bar to look more confident and striving to be more healthy.


Amplify and validate your reason why you are losing weight. Sometimes, it can be deep and personal. Nevertheless, love yourself and always give yourself the best shot.




How can exercise boost self-esteem?

All of us want to feel good about ourselves. When we are confident, we feel better emotionally and mentally and this reflects in a very positive way in our behaviors and improves our quality of life, everything from personal relationships to our professional endeavors.


Therefore, anything, which can help boost our self-confidence, is good for us. One of the best ways to boost your self-confidence is by exercising regularly. This not only good for self-assurance but has great health benefits.


Here Are 10 ways how exercising boosts your self-esteem:

1. Weight Control

Exercising along with healthy eating is the best way to control weight or lose weight. This is all about energy intake and energy burning.

Obviously, if you burn more energy than you take in, then the more you will lose weight. Being overweight is a confidence destroyer. Therefore, the better shape you are, the better you will feel.


2. Improves mood

There’s nothing better emotionally than a good workout. Before you think that this requires a trip to the gym, think again.

A good workout could be a brisk walk or a jog. In fact, anything that makes your body work physically harder can be a workout.

What this does is to stimulate brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which promote a general feeling of well-being. The results are a reduction in stress and anxiety.


When you exercise aerobically, your bodies produces a little chemical called endorphins, which, scientifically speaking, are polypeptides, which are able to bind to the neuron receptors in the brain to give relief from pain.


Endorphins are not just produced by exercise. They are also triggered by deep-breathing, meditation, eating spicy food and deep laughter. Just don’t do all five at once.


Endorphins are believed to produce four key effects on the body. They relieve pain, they reduce stress, they enhance the immune system and they postpone the aging process.


It may be worth your while to stock up on some fitness equipment, they might make things easier for you.

You have the option to exercise outside but have an indoor stationary bike, that way, if it’s raining; there is no excuse not to exercise.


3. It’s good for the heart

Regular exercising lowers the risk of various heart-related conditions. Exercising has been proven to lower blood pressure, reduce problems associated with diabetes and can even help in fighting heart disease.

This is quite logical – if exercising reduces weight, then this means that the heart has to work less and in turn, the heart is much healthier. There is also less pressure on joints and other areas of the body.


4. Keeps the body in shape

This is slightly different from weight control. Being is shape involves having a well-toned body and better posture – all aspects connected with self-confidence.

When a person feels good about himself, it’s easier to make friends and more connections in life means more confidence.


5. More energy

If we don’t have the energy to do things, then everything becomes a chore. That can lead to feelings of feeling bad about oneself.

Regular exercise helps the whole body work more effectively. The result is that chores become responsibilities and the more responsibility we are coping with, the better we feel.


6. Better sleep

Regular exercise promotes good sleep. It is proven that sleep is necessary for general feelings of well-being. Sleep is also necessary for how we look.

Just imagine preparing for an important meeting and looking in the mirror and seeing dark circles under bloodshot eyes – how confident will you feel? Therefore, exercising will improve sleep. One word of warning – just doesn’t exercise too near bedtime.


7. Improves productivity

One of the best ways to clear the mind is to exercise regularly. Exercise gives you a chance to wipe the slate clean and start from new.

In addition, if you push yourself exercising you can realize new potentials and this, in turn, boosts self-confidence. Very often, what you thought was a major problem before exercising disappears after.


8. Give you something to look forward to

Once you have a reasonable schedule for exercising, you will start to look forward to it. This in itself is a confidence booster.

Once you start seeing the benefits of exercising, you will have the desire to continue and in the end, you feel better and look better.


9. Improves concentration

In general, exercising helps us to develop the necessary skills to concentrate on the task at hand.

This then trains us better when we have tasks or responsibilities to concentrate better, resulting in more praise and benefits.


10. Feelings of control and achievement

In general, exercising has so many benefits to health and mind that we can’t help having a feeling of control and achievement. Working out takes work, dedication, commitment, and care for oneself, and all this facilitates enormous feelings of confidence.


11. Prevents Diseases

Exercise lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, improves your chances of surviving if you have heart problems, and lowers blood pressure.


Exercise increases insulin sensitivity. This means that the pancreas doesn’t have to work as hard every time we eat. Less load on the pancreas means it’s less likely to pack it in.


Increased insulin sensitivity means the body can more effectively control blood sugar levels, which helps in the prevention and management of diabetes.


Exercise has also been linked with better outcomes in cancer patients.


Exercise has great effects on the musculoskeletal system. Exercise can increase muscle mass, decrease body fat, increase bone density. It can strengthen tendons and ligaments.


Bone density is important for preventing osteoporosis. It is also great for maintaining strength and balance in the elderly population.


If you don’t exercise as you age your bone density decreases and you can lose your strength and balance. This makes you a prime candidate for a fall, which is bad news, especially if your bones aren’t as strong as they used to be.


12. Reduces Anxiety and Depression

Depression and Anxiety can lead to a feeling of isolation. Partaking in aerobic sports, one can choose to join a running club, swimming club, gym or any other sports club.


It’s an excellent way to gain the psychological benefits of aerobic activity, because it gets you out an about and can put you in positions where you HAVE to speak to people.


Aerobic exercise offers a distraction. For an hour or so each day, you can put yourself in a position where you are too busy worrying about the prospect of having to run another two miles before you can stop.


Burning excess fat and toning up can boost anyone’s confidence. Clothes fit better, and you receive compliments from friends. Which often is enough to begin to lift the heavy cloud of a mild depression.



13. Reduces Stress

Do you feel like the whole world is collapsing on top of you? I think everyone does at one stage or another. If you keep positive, it will pass. Aerobic exercise is a great way to keep positive.


When you are stressed, it is important to get enough sleep. Exercisers actually go to sleep faster, are more refreshed and have sharper memories.


Exercise increases the blood flow to the brain, bringing extra sugar and oxygen, which can help when concentrating.

And once again, the little endorphins can make you happier, making you feel like maybe it will all be ok after all.


14. Sharpen Memory

Get ready to win big at Go Fish. Regular physical activity boosts memory and ability to learn new things. Getting sweaty increases production of cells in hippocampus responsible for memory and learning.


For this reason, research has linked children’s brain development with level of physical fitness (take that, recess haters!). But exercise-based brainpower isn’t just for kids.


Even if it’s not as fun as a game of Red Rover, working out can boost memory among grown-ups, too. A study showed that running sprints improved vocabulary retention among healthy adults.


15. Boost Happy Chemicals

Jogging through a few miles on the ‘mill can be tough, but it’s worth the effort! Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria.


Studies have shown that exercise can even alleviate symptoms among the clinically depressed.

For this reason, docs recommend that people suffering from depression or anxiety (or those who are just feeling blue) pencil in plenty of gym time.


In some cases, exercise can be just as effective as antidepressant pills in treating depression.

Don’t worry if you’re not exactly the gym rat type — getting a happy buzz from working out for just 30 minutes a few times a week can instantly boost overall mood.


16. Prevent Cognitive Decline

It’s unpleasant, but it’s true — as we get older, our brains get a little  hazy. As aging and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s kill off brain cells, the noggin actually shrinks, losing many important brain functions in the process.


While exercise and a healthy diet can’t “cure” Alzheimer’s, they can help shore up the brain against cognitive decline that begins after age 45  .


Working out, especially between age 25 and 45, boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of the brain for memory and learning.


17. Inspire Others

Whether it’s a pick-up game of soccer, a group class at the gym, or just a run with a friend, exercise rarely happens in a bubble. And that’s good news for all of us.


Studies show that most people perform better on aerobic tests when paired up with a workout buddy.

Pin it to inspiration or good old-fashioned competition, nobody wants to let the other person down.


In fact, being part of a team is so powerful that it can actually raise athletes’ tolerances for pain. Even fitness beginners can inspire each other to push harder during a sweat session, so find a workout buddy and get moving!


Try incorporating regular exercising into your routine and you will experience the many benefits to your self-confidence that regular exercising gives.