What Are Some Diet And Nutrition Myths To Watch Out For?

There are many myths concerning, diet, nutrition, and weight loss spreading since. Along with some diet busters, check below if you have believed them, too.

Nutrition Myths You’ve Been Taught to Believe

Don’t always believe what you hear- especially when it comes to your health.

Here are some nutrition myths we were taught to follow, and according to the experts, we shouldn’t have listened to.

Sugar Causes Diabetes

So far, a diet high in calories, being overweight, and an inactive lifestyle are the main risk factors for Type 2 diabetes.

All Fats are Bad

The key is to replace bad fats (saturated fats and trans fats) with good fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats) in our diet.

Brown Sugar is Better than White Sugar

Unless you eat a gigantic portion of brown sugar everyday – the mineral content difference between brown sugar and white sugar is absolutely insignificant.

Brown Eggs are More Nutritious than White Eggs

Eggshell color can vary but it has nothing to do with the quality, flavor, nutritive value, cooking characteristics or shell thickness of an egg. The eggshell color only depends upon the breed of the hen.

Avoid Seafood to Lower Blood Cholesterol

Saturated fats usually found in meat products and packaged foods, and trans fatty acids, are the most important factors that raise blood cholesterol, not dietary cholesterol.

Avoid Carbohydrate to Lose Weight

Many low-carb diets do not provide sufficient carbohydrates to your body for daily maintenance. It doesn’t matter if you eat a high or low-carb diet, you will lose weight if you decrease your caloric intake to less than that is needed to maintain your weight.

Avoid Nuts as they are Fattening

In moderation, nuts can be a part of a healthy diet. In fact, nuts are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (good fats) as well as plant sterols which have all been shown to lower LDL cholesterol.

Skipping Meals can Help Lose Weight

Often times, skipping a meal results in an increase in total caloric intake than if we just ate more frequently throughout the day.

A better approach is to eat smaller frequent healthy meals and snacks to keep our blood sugar balanced.

Now you know the real truth and when these come up in conversation again, you can educate your friends and family.

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Weight Loss and Nutritional Myths

Myth: Becoming a Vegetarian ensures weight loss and healthiness.

Truth: Research has proved that those who follow a vegetarian diet plan eat less fat and fewer calories than those who are non-vegetarians.

Vegetarians also tend to have lower body weights because choosing a vegetarian diet plan with low fat content is helpful in weight loss.

However, vegetarians can make poor food choices that contain high amounts of fat and calories with little or no nutritional value.

This is a hard pill to swallow, but no food plan will work for you unless you take charge of your eating and make sure that everything that goes past your lips is the right kind of food.

The key here is to be absolutely sure that the vegetarian diet will give your body all the nutrients and calories it needs.


Eating heaps of foods that do nothing for you from the nutritional point of view, outside maybe of filling your stomach, can bring you a lot of trouble in the future.

Since plants tend to have a lower concentration of nutrients than meat, you will have to eat more food than before to make up for this difference.

Not to mention that a strictly vegetarian diet will not get you enough vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium, and zinc.

These substances are taken mostly from dairy products and eggs in a regular diet, but true vegetarians can’t touch those. You’ll have to rely on the few and uncommon vegetables that can provide these substances.

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Myth: All dairy products are unhealthy.

Truth: Dairy products contain many nutrients your body needs including protein to build muscles and help organs work properly.

Dairy products also contain calcium to strengthen your bones and fortified with vitamin D to help your body utilize the calcium.

Fortunately, low-fat and fat-free milk, yogurt, and cheese are just as nutritious as whole milk products.

Myth: Dairy products cause heart problems and make you fat.

Truth: Well, thanks to modern medicine everybody knows that eating a lot of dairy products is a surefire path to high blood pressure and stroke, although a large group of people from France refuse to die despite the large quantities of cheese and wine they consume.

Dairy products are the main source of calcium that keeps your bones strong and healthy. It is absolutely essential for children and can be way overlooked by adults.

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Dairy products also contain vitamin D, which is crucial to maintaining the normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in your bloodstream.

If you don’t want to gain weight from dairy products, then choose low-fat or non-fat brands. There are enough of those around.

If you are lactose-intolerant, drink soy or rice milk. It does not taste exactly the same as true milk, but it’s still good and nutritious.

Butter and margarine are the only dairy products you should worry about. They do contain big levels of fat. Still, if you can’t do without them, at least eat butter.

Margarine is an over-processed fat that is not particularly good for you. Butter may be a bit fatter, but it definitely is the healthier of these two.

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Myth: Eating after 8:00 PM is a sure way of weight gain.

Truth: Your weight loss or gain is determined by what and how much you eat and how much physical activity you do during the day. It really doesn’t matter what time of the day you eat, your body will store any extra calories as fat.

If you down 500 calories over your daily value right before you go to bed obviously you’re not going to burn them while you are sleeping so your body will store it as fat.

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Myth: Skipping meals is a great way to save calories and lose weight.

Truth: Many studies have shown that those who skip meals (especially breakfast) and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than those who eat a healthy breakfast and eat five small meals a day.

Eating many small meals throughout the day helps you control your appetite and keeps your metabolism going. Those who skip meals tend to feel hungrier later on and end of overeating.

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Myth: You have to starve yourself to lose weight.

Truth: This is probably the most commonly heard and longest running myth about weight loss out there.

The truth, if you don’t eat enough, your metabolism will slow down greatly making your body want to store fat thus making most of your initial weight loss come from water and muscle.

This makes your body-fat percentage go up, meaning you are losing weight, but you are actually getting fatter!

The average woman should not eat less than 1000 calories per day and the average man should not eat less than 1200 calories per day unless under the direction of a physician.

If you eat 5-6 smaller meals a day versus 3 bigger ones within a proper calorie range, you will never feel hungry and you will lose weight while staying healthy.

Myth: Fat-free means no calories.

Truth: Fat-free foods are often lower in calories than the same size portion of the full- fat food.

Many processed fat-free foods contain just as many, if not more calories as the full fat version of the same food.

Fat-free processed foods can contain added sugar, flour, or starch thickeners to improve flavor and texture after fat is removed.

The only low-fat foods that are also low in calories are fruits. The rest of the huge low-fat or non-fat group are not a safe choice if you are dieting.

These products may have added sugar, starch or flour to make them taste better, which means extra calories that do not belong into your diet. So make sure you check the list of ingredients on packages whenever you decide to buy low-fat.

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Myth: Herbal weight-loss products are safe and effective.

Truth: Weight-loss products that claim to be herbal are not necessarily safe. Herbal products are not usually scientifically tested to prove they are safe or effective.

A great example of this type of unhealthy herbal product is ephedra. Ephedra is an herb that is now banned by the United States Government because its products have been known to cause serious health problems and even death.

Products that claim to be ephedra-free are not danger-free because they contain harmful ingredients similar to ephedra.

Talk with your health professional before utilizing any weight-loss product. A few natural or herbal weight-loss products may be injurious.

Myth: Weight training isn’t a good idea if you are trying to lose weight.

Truth: Weight training or doing strengthening activities such as push-ups and stomach crunches on a regular basis will actually help you lose or maintain weight.

Activities that build muscle are great because muscle burns more calories than body fat. It’s recommended to do strengthening activities two or three times a week.

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Only intense strength training can build very large muscles.”

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Myth: You should not eat from certain food groups.

Truth: A lot of fad diets adhere to cutting out one food group or another. The Atkins diet, which sparked a whole host of copycat diets, placed an emphasis on eliminating carbohydrates for example.

The fact is your body needs a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat to function properly and so none of them should be eliminated from your diet.

Water, vitamins, minerals and fiber are also needed and should be a part of your regular daily intake. The key is to try to keep the carbs, proteins and fats in the proper range at approximately 60% for carbs, 25% for proteins and 15% for fats.

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Myth: You’ll be OK with a high protein/low carb diet.

Truth: This type of diet aims to secure most of the daily required amount of calories from protein foods, like meat, dairy products, and eggs, with a very small part taken from foods containing a lot of carbs (bread, pasta, potatoes, and fruits).

The biggest problem with this diet is that many common and popular foods are forbidden, which makes it easy for the user to get bored or frustrated. When boredom and frustration kick in, quitting time is never far away.

Another problem is the lack of nutrients that are usually brought by carbohydrate foods, while allowing the user to eat bacon and cheese that raise cholesterol levels.

The bottom line is that high protein/low carb diets result in fast weight loss in some users, but it’s not just fat that goes away.

People also lose some of their lean muscle mass and a lot of water as the kidneys work harder to rid the body of excess waste from protein and fat.

The added stress to your kidneys is not healthy at all and, in the long run, will lead to dehydration, headaches, feelings of nausea and dizziness. Before engaging in a long-term diet, you would do well to discuss it with your physician.

And if you are really keen on dieting, try a balanced diet first, because it will help you lose weight without hurting your system.

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Myth: To get enough protein, you have to eat meat.

Truth: While it is true that meat is a great source of protein, it is certainly not the only one. Meat can also be high in fat and sodium.

Dairy products are usually high in fat, but now there are plenty of low-fat and fat-free dairy products to choose from and they do not compromise the protein value.

Egg whites are also a prime source of protein. These are all sources of complete proteins. Various vegetables and legumes also contain proteins but these are all incomplete proteins and must be eaten in the right combinations to become complete. One example is combining beans with rice.

Myth: Fad diets work for lasting weight loss.

Truth: Fad diets are not the best way to slim down and keep it off. Fad diets frequently promise speedy weight loss or tell you to cut particular foods out of your diet. You might slim down at first on one of these diets.

However. diets that rigorously limit calories or food options are difficult to follow. Most individuals quickly get tired of them and regain any lost weight.

Fad diets might be unhealthy as they might not provide all of the nutrients your body needs. Likewise, slimming down at a very rapid rate (more than 3 pounds a week after the first few weeks) might increase your risk for formulating gallstones (clusters of solid material in the gallbladder that may be painful).

Diets that supply less than 800 calories per day as well might result in cardiac rhythm abnormalities, which may be fatal.

Research advises that losing 1/2 to 2 pounds a week by using healthy food options, consuming moderate portions, and building physical activity into your everyday life is the most beneficial way to slim down and keep it off.

By assuming healthy eating and physical activity habits, you might as well lower your risk for formulating type 2 diabetes, heart conditions, and hypertension.

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Myth: Carb diets are a healthy way to slim down.

Truth: The long-term health effects of a high-protein/low carbohydrate diet are unidentified.

However, getting most of your daily calories from high-protein foods like meat, eggs, and cheese isn’t a balanced eating program.

You might be consuming a bit much fat and cholesterol, which might raise heart disease chances.

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You might be consuming too few fruits, veggies, and whole grains, which might lead to constipation due to deficiency of dietary fiber.

Abiding by a high-protein/low carbohydrate diet might likewise make you feel nauseous, fatigued, and weak.

Consuming fewer than 130 grams of carbs a day may lead to the buildup of ketones in your blood.

A buildup of these in your blood may cause your body to produce elevated levels of uric acid, which is a risk factor for gout and kidney stones.

High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are frequently low in calories as food choices are rigorously limited, so they might cause short-term weight loss.

However, a reduced-calorie consuming program that includes suggested amounts of carbs, protein, and fat will likewise let you slim down.

Myth: Starches are fattening and ought to be restricted when attempting to slim down.

Truth: a lot of foods high in starch, like bread, rice, pasta, cereals, beans, fruits, and a few veggies (like potatoes and yams) are low in fat and calories.

They get high in fat and calories when consumed in big portions or when covered up with high-fat toppings like butter, sour cream, or mayo. Foods high in starch are a crucial source of energy for your body.

Stress fruits, veggies, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products. Include lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts.

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Myth: Particular foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup, might make you slim down.

Truth: No foods may burn fat. Some foods with caffeine might accelerate your metabolism for a short time, but they don’t cause weight loss.

The best way to slim down is to curb on the number of calories you consume and be more physically active.

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10 Most Surprising Diet Busters

Beware of those so-called “health-conscious” food products you’re buying – they may be disguised as low-calorie, but these culprits could put a dent in your diet goals.

Just when you think you’re getting a low-fat muffin, you’re snacking on tons of extra calories. And the ones that seem to be obviously good for you, well, that isn’t always the case!


Certain soups can be packed full of calories and fat, especially favorites like New England clam chowder or cream of broccoli.

Sugar-Free Cookies

It’s not uncommon for a fat-free or even sugar-free food to have nearly the same number of calories as its regular counterpart, and taste- wise, there’s no comparison to the real deal.


Depending on the cut, the piece of pork in front of you can be comparable to low-fat, low-calorie chicken, or as high in fat as a hot dog. And adding sauces can de-lean it!


Coffee drinks can be astronomically high in calories depending on the ingredients and size of the drink one selects.


Throw on a creamy dressing, cheese, croutons, and bacon bits, and your lunch is starting to look less healthy, more calorie packed, and detrimental to your diet.

Breakfast Bars

Some breakfast bars look healthy and even have healthy looking pictures on the box – look at the actual calories and extra sugars in its ingredients.

Dried Fruits and Granola

Granola sounds great, but it’s very rich in fat, so you have to watch how much you eat.

Juice and Soda

You have a juice midmorning, and a soda midafternoon, and next thing you know, you’ve consumed an extra 400 calories in liquids – they add up.

Low-Fat/Low-Cal Foods

Low calorie does not mean no calorie.


Nuts are high in fat so they are only healthy if you can eat just one serving.

Before your diet goes south, consider the effects of the above diet busters. And before you pat yourself on the back for eating soup and salad for lunch, make sure you read the label.

The best way to be sure you are getting a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet is to eat more whole foods and less processed, pre-packaged foods and to avoid eating out as much as possible.

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