How To Accelerate Success Through Self-Confidence?


How to prepare for this journey and accelerate toward self-confidence?

If you lack the quality of self-confidence and you want to build it, it is imperative to be dedicated to pursuing it. It will not take days or even months.

It will take some time because you have to learn how to accept and appreciate yourself. This is the journey to success and it is not easy.

Prepare your Journey

Determine where you are and where you want to go. Set your mind right and prepare yourself for the task.

Building self-confidence may require changing your lifestyle and interaction with others. If you interact with people who are self-confident you will also acquire self-confidence.

To prepare the journey you need to do the following:

Preview your achievements

Think about how your life is at the moment and what you have gained. Unless you make an assessment of what you have so far you may live in a constant worry and anxiety.

It is good if you appreciate what you have done so far or achieved even if it is not that much. Everyone must have achieved or done something at some point in life.

This is what you should be proud of even your colleagues and friends are ahead. You can jot down the achievements you have made and read them whenever you face any challenges.

Focus on your strengths

Every person has weaknesses and strengths. If you want to build self-confidence, you should focus on perfecting your strengths and improving wherever you are weak.

Link your strengths to whatever you want to achieve or do.  With the courage and appreciation of what you have achieved, you will overcome any challenge easily.

Think and focus on what is most important to you and where you are going

It is vital to think and appreciate what is most important to you and that which you want to achieve in your life.

To build self-confidence, you must set goals which you should achieve or meet within certain periods of time.

You should set those goals and they require some efforts to achieve them. Do not set goals which are very simple or not that challenging enough for you.

The goals should:

  • Exploit your potential strengths
  • Minimize the weaknesses
  • Help you realize all your opportunities
  • Be able of controlling the threats which you face


Begin managing your mind

This includes thinking before you talk or act. It involves managing your emotions, opinions, and views on something.

This will ensure that you relate with all people well including the ones you differ with in various aspects.

Commit yourself to success

To achieve anything, you must be committed. Ensure that you dedicate your time, mind and resources to build self-confidence.

As you commit yourself to success you should aim at achieving balanced Self-Confidence.

It lies in the mind of low self-confidence and over-confidence. Both low and overconfidence are not good and you should avoid them.

Low self-confidence will put in a state whereby you do not believe or trust whatever you do.

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Over-confidence will put you in a state whereby you over trust whatever you do. Over confident people do not accept corrections or the contributions of others.

Self-confidence gives you sureness in whatever you do and enables you to accept reasonable criticism and assistances from others at the same time.

Over confident people do not assess the risks and opportunities of success and failure because they believe they can handle any challenge. And this is not always the case because anything can fail or succeed.

journey to success

Set Out on the Journey

This is the point where you start advancing towards your set goals.

You should start by doing and achieving the easy goals, referring to the little and simple things.

Learn to appreciate the simple things you do.

In setting out you should do the following:

Build the required knowledge for success

Look at the goals and set out clearly the skills you need to apply or what you need to do in order to achieve those goals.  You should also think about whether you can get those skills.

Think as well of feasible ideas of doing whatever you want to do. This may involve reading or consulting relevant articles and books on the issue.

Focus on the most important things

When starting, do not aim at doing or undertaking complex and challenging tasks.  Do not also aim to do something perfect.

Aim at accomplishing the simple things first. This requires patience. Thus, do not be too anxious about achieving all of them at the same time.

Set easy goals and achieve them

Do whatever possible to achieve the simple goals you have set out.

If you set out complex goals you will most likely get disappointed at the early stages because you might be pressured to achieve them. And that would lead you to fail of achieving anything.

Conquering the easy goals and accomplishing the simple ones will give you the spirit and encouragement to perform better.

Constantly manage your mind

Always celebrate and appreciate whatever you achieve and encourage yourself to perform better.

You may apply the treasure mapping technique to make the visualization better and stronger.

Learn how to handle and cope with failure

Sometimes we may not achieve our goals or that which we desire.

Some of the most successful venture took after repeated failures.

If you fail or you do not achieve your target, do not give up or get disappointed so much.

Practice the habit of taking mistakes as learning experiences and not as impediments of mishaps to success.

Likewise, learn to emerge stronger after every challenging failure.

It gives people the capacity and know-how of solving facing future problems and challenges.


Accelerate Towards Success

This is the third step towards building self-confidence.  When you have been working a lot, the strain stretches you to achieve the victory.

You are likely to meet serious challenges which are difficult to handle. You should be more committed and apply more skills in order to move towards success.

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With that, do not make the common mistake made by most people of being over confident. Do not show your prowess or superiority.

Goal setting is the best tool to achieving self-confidence very easily and within the required time frame.

And here are other 10 easy self-confidence tips to wrap up:
1. Stop saying “should”

Don’t make yourself feel guilty by thinking about the things that you should have done. If something is in the past, let it pass.

Fretting over it will not improve your situation. Try using the word “could” instead of “should” for everything. This way, your actions become your choices, and you are empowered to make decisions.

2. Stop doubting yourself by default

We all have that little voice of doubt inside our heads. The trick is to learn when to pay attention to it and when to ignore it.

3. Don’t focus on yourself

If you are stressed out in a public situation, consider how the other person must feel. Go out of your way to make the other person feel comfortable.

Set yourself small tasks. Just having a task to do will make you feel better.

4. Set realistic goals

Setting goals will help boost your self-confidence. You want to set goals that are attainable.

Choose something that you can measure, rather than something that is difficult to quantity so in this manner, you will have a way to chart your progress.

5. Surround yourself with positives

If there are things or places in your life that are bringing you down, avoid them. If there are people in your life who are constantly negative, it might be time to reconsider your friendship with these people.

Surround yourself with people who are optimistic and caring, people who respect you and value you for who you are. It is easier to be self-confident when you know you have a network of supportive people around you.

6. Stop being critical

Stop comparing yourself to others with self-criticism. You will always find something that someone else is better.

You are a unique individual and not like anyone else. So, comparisons are arguable and not even necessary.

Choosing to focus on your positive traits and on other people’s positive characteristics will help you gain self-confidence.

7. Take the time you need

Take some time for yourself. Perhaps painting your nails or polishing your shoes will make you feel that much more empowered.

Take the time to do small things that are often overlooked. The time you spend will help you gain confidence.

It is important to learn that you are worth making time for. You will never be able to adequately care for another person until you care for yourself, so take the time to unwind and relax.

8. Think positively

If you find yourself thinking negative or critical thoughts, think “cancel” or “delete.” Your mind is like a computer, and you will be able to erase those negative thought patterns with practice.

See also  How To Build Self-Confidence?

Then, once you have pointedly erased that negative thought, replace it with a positive one.

Write down your best traits, abilities, and skills on a piece of paper. Then when you are feeling down you can come back to this piece of paper to remember how wonderful you are.

You can also write down five or ten things that you are grateful for each day. Remember how fortunate you are.

These assists boost confidence because it helps surround us with the positivity that is required for true self-confidence.

Try visualization to help you with achieving your goals and to help you think positively towards a sense of self-confidence.

9. Take risks

There’s no need to fake confidence if you live each day like the day before. All of that is known territory – you’ve been there, done that. The most direct route to self-confidence is to take calculated risks and examine your results.

Will you make mistakes? Absolutely, but those slip-ups contribute as much to growing your self-confidence as your victories. Particularly if you resist the urge to use them to beat yourself up.

No one gets it right every single time and to require that from yourself is self-sabotage at its best. Start with small steps outside of your comfort zone and build your confidence step by step.

10. Fake it…and Smile!

If you don’t know how to truly be self-confident, then just pretend to be confident! Self-confidence is a perception held by you and others.

If you act confident whether you feel it or not, others will perceive you as it is and be more willing to follow your lead, take you seriously and listen to what you have to say.

And smile, too. Just the act of smiling will release endorphins to the brain, which will eventually make you happy.

Acting confident will help build your confidence when you are truly confident. Have a little faith in yourself and soon you won’t have to fake it anymore.

Remember, you are going to be fine. Start building your self-confidence today so that you can begin living the lifestyle you deserve.

Make this journey worthwhile and aim to reach your destination.

And then apply the same principle to your other objectives once you have that self-confidence that would encompass other qualities that you will develop along the way.

Its rippling effect to your personal success and in other areas of your life will be incomparable to your efforts and maybe a few struggles.


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