How To Fortify Your Emotional Wellness?


How you meet the challenges of today, will to some extent, influence your future life.

Acquiring the skills required to address emotional wellness will provide you a basis of mental and emotional health.

Emotional wellness has many facets. Put plainly, it’s based on self-esteem-how you feel about yourself and behavior that’s appropriate and sound. Somebody who’s emotionally fit:

Somebody who’s emotionally fit:

  • Comprehends and adjusts to change
  • Manages stress
  • Has a confident self-concept
  • Has the power to love and treasure others
  • Can act independently to meet his or her own requirements

Everybody, including individuals who are emotionally fit, has troubles. Emotionally fit individuals are able to adapt to and solve issues.

And in doing so, they help other people as well as themselves to acquire gratification out of life.

Human Emotions

What is stress?

Stress is a mental, emotional, physical, and often behavioral reaction to a broad assortment of stimuli. Different from popular belief, stress isn’t inevitably induced by an acutely troubling event.

The term really refers to requirements placed on you by day-to-day experiences that result in your body’s energizing itself physiologically to meet those requirements.

Stress isn’t innately negative or positive. What ascertains whether an event (stressor) is negative or positive is your rendition.

The meaning of this point is that you are able to command your view of events, though not inevitably the events themselves, and thereby control tension.

Stress demands, whatever their value, start an arousal of the brain and body. That rousing, if drawn-out, may tire out and hurt a person to the point of distress, dysfunction, and disease.

Consider an analogy from physics and engineering. Stress in these fields entails strain or pressure put on a system.

With some tension, the system adapts or alters somewhat, occasionally getting stronger.

With more stress, the system gets to the point where it will break. Humankind reacts likewise.

Tension is an unavoidable component of living. To be alive is to go through the joys and thwarting of stress. Some stress is beneficial for us, the alleged spice of life.

Other stress, like a poor grade on a test, may be either adverse, if you see it in a purely negative way, or of value, if it serves as a motivator for you to acquire more beneficial study habits.

Since tension is unavoidable, it’s crucial to learn to live with it and make it work for you.

A lot of individuals erroneously believe it’s a sign of weakness or failure to accept that they experience stress. Issues arise when we don’t realize that tension is inducing common difficulties and that it may successfully be handled.

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Does everybody respond to tension the same way?

There are big individual fluctuations in how individuals comprehend and react to stress. A few individuals seem to flourish on deadlines; other people get nervous.

How the body and brain respond to a given stressor is different for each individual. A bit much stress, however, understandably results in too much stimulation and eventual dysfunction.

Tension is more than an obscure incident. It’s the product of a lot of facets of your lifestyle and surroundings.

To cut down or handle stress and its possibly damaging effects, you are able to alter numerous aspects of your lifestyle.

You are able to do this by acquiring methods to reduce external stress, to handle your own inner causes of stress, and to manage acute stress.

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What are the perils of not curbing stress?

Persistent stress puts a weight on the body and the brains that may result in you’re not doing your best.

If the tension goes unrecognized and dissonant, it may wear you out and induce assorted physical and emotional symptoms that you might blame on other origins.

It may result in your getting physically ill or even suffering an emotional breakdown.

As your body’s ability to live with stress isn’t inexhaustible, there’s a point at which you get to exhaustion. If your body can’t do away with stress or handle it in a favorable way, the system is overcharged and exhaustion is inevitable.

If you go through a stressor, whether it’s the physical stress of being stuck in a snowstorm or the emotional tension of breaking up with a close acquaintance, your body unconsciously starts an involved set of physiological reactions called the fight-or-flight response.

Our physiology hasn’t changed much since prehistoric times, so the body’s nervous system and hormones mechanically gear up to combat or take flight the nearing peril, although combat or taking flight isn’t a valuable reaction to most sorts of stress encountered nowadays.

If the body could not able to dismiss the energy developed by this or if tension carries on past the initial stage, you move into the resistance stage. Your brain and body stay energized by stress.

At this stage, you might distinguish stress and its consequent emotional and physical stimulation, but you might not associate it to physical sickness or emotional shifts.

Adjust and get used to the state of stimulation to the extent that it no more feels strange. As your minds and bodies are so adaptable, hyper-arousal isn’t acknowledged as a likely problem.

You have lost the power to distinguish imbalance and restore balance until there’s some distinguished issue at the exhaustion stage when the body sends off a message of distress.

To cut down physiological tension, be cognizant of your own biorhythms-for instance, what hour you’re most alert, interested, and active.

Most of us recognize instinctively whether we’re night individuals or morning individuals.

Assign your hardest tasks to your high-power times and your repetitious chores or relaxation to your low-energy periods.

You might not have recognized that there are substances in what you regularly consume and drink that bring about dietary stress.

Caffeine, a stimulant, mimics adrenaline, the main neurotransmitter of the stress reaction.

No-Doz and additional stimulants like decongestants and diet pills excite the nervous system and contribute cumulatively to stimulation.

There’s likewise some evidence that high sugar ingestion might step-up stress, putting you on a blood glucose roller coaster. It is a fast surge of vigor accompanied by an evenly sudden drop in energy and a jumpy, over stimulated sensation.

Habitual dieting and fasting may likewise add to a dietary stress by putting additional demands on your hormonal system to sustain body fuel levels in the face of poor food consumption.

A few researchers think that you need additional vitamins, especially B vitamins if you’re going through increased stress-therefore the plethora of “stress” vitamins presently on the market.

It’s improbable that with a fit normal diet including grains, fruits, and veggies, you’d become lacking in vitamins.

But, as insurance against vitamin deficiency, you might want to take a vitamin supplement – one that doesn’t surpass 100 % of the advocated daily allowance.

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Exercising is an effective way of bringing out the energy generated by stress, which is far fitter than letting it develop inside and produce uncomfortable pressure.

An exercise of any sort releases the extra adrenalin rendered by the stress reaction. Exercise likewise produces endorphins, natural pain relievers and euphoric chemicals that help you feel at ease and energized after a workout.

A lot of individuals utilize exercise as their principal stress reducer. Aerobics for twenty or more minutes a day seems to be the most helpful in clearing the stress response. Dancing, weight lifting, and walking may likewise work if you like them.

Breathing processes and exercises have been utilized for centuries to quiet and center the body.

When you’re under stress, your breathing tends to get shallow and your muscles tighten up.

At such times, you frequently utilize only the upper one-third of the chest muscles and a few neck muscles to breathe with.

By breathing deep from your diaphragm, you lessen muscle tension and reduce body stimulation.

empowering emotional health

Empowering Your Emotional Health

There is a phenomenal rise in the growth of fitness clubs and gyms. People have become conscious of their body image that they are willing to go the extra mile just to achieve that sculptured body.

Almost every fitness buff wants to achieve the same figure displayed by models in the pages of the magazines, on billboards, on television, and on movie screens.

People try to find sensible and sustainable ways to achieve and maintain a physically fit body. Yet what is often overlooked is the need to take care of another important aspect of their well-being: their emotional health.

Having a healthy mind and spirit go well with a healthy body. Emotional health is considered an integral part of man’s overall wellness.

Neglecting your emotional health can damage your physical health in the process. Research has shown that one of the leading contributors to illness is stress caused by unresolved emotional issues.

Psychologists believe that feelings or emotions such as fear, joy, sadness, anxiety and anger are mental responses to events, circumstances, people, or our own thoughts and memories.

They course through our conscious and unconscious beings at all times, whether at critical junctures or during seemingly inconsequential moments of our lives.

Biologists, on the other hand, tell us that our emotions are rooted in self-preservation, triggering physiological reactions that enable us to find food, escape danger, and reproduce.

Author Daniel Goleman pointed out in his work, Emotional Intelligence that

“…all emotions are, in essence, impulses to act, the instant plans for handling life that evolution has instilled in us.”

Emotions have also evolved into facial expressions and body language so that each member of the group can signal his or her wants and needs to other members.

As John D. Mayer, a leading expert in the study of emotions has remarked:

“Emotions convey information…about relationships.”

Our emotion can be so powerful that it can even make us sick. It can also be a means to gain healing. Emotions are relayed to the immune system through the autonomic nervous system.

When people experience anxiety, depression and other painful emotions, the immune system can be affected and may cause risk for a whole host of illnesses.

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In the same way, having a healthy emotional outlook in life can boost the resistance against disease.

Mayer has emphasized that people can reason with emotions in the same way they reason with cognitive information.

It can be said that a person can actually solve emotional problems just as mathematicians solve math problems, Mayer said.

However, he also acknowledged that some emotions, such as grief and anger, can be harder to reason effectively with than others. Oftentimes, identifying the various emotions at play can be extremely difficult.

Not many experts agree that human beings are born with a full range of emotions.

Instead, they theorize that people were born with instincts and urges, along with an innate capacity for feeling.

As people grow older, they acquire personalities and nurture relationships with others, thus, helping these instincts and urges develop into full-fledged emotions.

Emotional health consists of five key components:

1. Being aware of your emotions.

Emotionally healthy people are in touch with their emotions and can identify and acknowledge them as experience.

2. Being able to process your emotions.

After connecting with their emotions, emotionally healthy people develop appropriate ways of expressing them.

3. Being sensitive to other people and their emotions and having the ability to empathize.

The ability to identify their own emotions enables emotionally healthy people to identify emotions in others and to have an intuitive sense of what it feels like to experience them.

4. Being self-empowered.

Emotionally healthy people honor their emotions, which empowers them to fulfill their goals.

5. Being in healthy relationships.

Using their emotional intelligence and empathy, emotionally healthy people build and maintain strong, functioning relationships.

Just as emotional health can affect a person’s physical health, the same is true with one’s lifestyle making a direct impact on emotional health.

Vitamins and minerals stimulate the production of chemicals in the brain.  These are known as neurotransmitters that regulate our physical and mental health functions, including the way we process emotions.

Minor deficiencies in these nutrients can lead to depression and irritability.  Vitamin and mineral deficiencies also hamper our ability to concentrate and stay motivated.

Definitely, unhealthy foods can adversely affect emotional health. Excessive intake of caffeine also causes physiological and psychological side effects that are often seen in people suffering from anxiety, while a diet with too much sugar has been linked to depression, aggression, and impaired judgment.

Many experts believe that people with strong spiritual fervor tend to have healthier immune systems and were less prone to anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure.

It can be surmised that the faith of religious adherents gave them an enhanced sense of well-being which helped reduce their levels of stress.


Featured Image: Ben White Photography



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